Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

There are only 2 Dorkings, they are in the 2nd picture. The dark ones in with the SFs. I'm so excited to have 12 more in my bator. They are all from the same stock so I am looking for different stock if you find any keep me posted. Mine came from Muddy Hoof Farm, in Lubec Maine. I know she is also a BYCer but not sure of her screen name on here. Google Muddy Hoof Farm, very nice lady. If you don't find her here, add her to your facebook, if you have FB. And if not let me know and I'll get her info, right now I'm off to get ready for work, such a 4 letter word, lol....
Thanks. I'll do so if I can talk hubby into another breed.
I already have Sumatras, Phoenix, SF, Sicilian Buttercup bantams, Silkies, experimental blues that lay blue eggs. What's another coop? By the way, those are all babies. I started last October with 11 mixed Tractor Supply chicks, remembered how much fun I had with them when I was a kid and am now up to 50+ with 30+ in the incubator.
I set 30 eggs in incubator 6/18/12. They are a small stars, game and copper marans. I also set 12 duck eggs under a hen yesterday. Can't wait to see what I get blessed with! Good luck to everyone! I love being a foster hen!
HI Everyone
I am setting Lavender orp eggs when they come in this week,will be shipped to me tomorrow so should come i think about thursday or friday(hopefully)
I will be a litte after all you guys but can i join too?
My second hatch..well my first as my first batch of eggs didnt hatch one out .Dont know what happened but am trying a few different things this time and hope to get a couple chicks this time

I'd love Lavender Orps, please post pics when they hatch!!!!
Thanks. I'll do so if I can talk hubby into another breed.
I already have Sumatras, Phoenix, SF, Sicilian Buttercup bantams, Silkies, experimental blues that lay blue eggs. What's another coop? By the way, those are all babies. I started last October with 11 mixed Tractor Supply chicks, remembered how much fun I had with them when I was a kid and am now up to 50+ with 30+ in the incubator.

LOL, I've always been a chicken hater, until I worked a farm that had chicks hatching, ended up dragging a bunch home. I've been hooked ever since, lol.... That was about 3 yrs ago. Started with some assorted hens and Buff Orp chicks but was unhappy with the mixed barn yard chicks they produced. I'm a weirdo and it all must match or be alike, lol.... So I sold them off and ordered my Light Brahma chicks last year, ordered 1 bator, hatched some eggs this spring. I now own 3 bators and hope to try my hand at 3 breeds. I'm building coops as I add breeds so it's expensive to add new ones for me. All must have their own place or I'm not happy, just me........ So I could have like 10 breeds if it wasn't so hard to get started. Maybe next year we could trade some Dorking eggs for SF eggs?!?!?!?
I just got some eggs from a friend to hatch. Waiting to the incubator to regulate so I can set the eggs in.

This is my first time doing this. Already made the mistake of using a wet washcloth to clean off messy eggs. =(
The incubator has an automatic turner so hopefully that will give me a bit of a leg up.

I need to get a humidity gauge yet.. didn't know I needed it until reading up on things.
Could I put the eggs in now and slip the thermometer in tomorrow?

I'm very antsy to get them in the incubator. lol

Wish me luck. =)
Candled the 7 eggs I put in on Thursday...3 look iffy. I will keep them in for a bit longer and see what happens. Fingers crossed.
LOL, I've always been a chicken hater, until I worked a farm that had chicks hatching, ended up dragging a bunch home. I've been hooked ever since, lol.... That was about 3 yrs ago. Started with some assorted hens and Buff Orp chicks but was unhappy with the mixed barn yard chicks they produced. I'm a weirdo and it all must match or be alike, lol.... So I sold them off and ordered my Light Brahma chicks last year, ordered 1 bator, hatched some eggs this spring. I now own 3 bators and hope to try my hand at 3 breeds. I'm building coops as I add breeds so it's expensive to add new ones for me. All must have their own place or I'm not happy, just me........ So I could have like 10 breeds if it wasn't so hard to get started. Maybe next year we could trade some Dorking eggs for SF eggs?!?!?!?
I could go for that idea. What color Dorkings do you have? It doesn't matter, just curious.

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