Setting eggs 6-18 anyone with me

43 set just now. FBCM and Lavender Orpingtons.
Only one of my last shipped batch of FBCMs hatched and thats with a brand new 1588 bator. I would love a good hatch this time!

Sorry, still new to chickens. Can you tell me what FBCM's are? Thank you!!!! I'm sure it's here somewhere but easier to ask, lol... I'm in love with the LOs but just got to stick to a few, I also love the BLRW, so many awesome birds out there!!!!
So I get home tonight exhausted and stressed from work and from this unusually hot and humid weather for us Mainers. I went out to feed the animals and it all slipped away. I have to tell you there in nothing better than listening to your horses quietly munch beautiful fresh hay, while the barn is full of that wonderful smell of new hay, to then pull up your chair and watch your soon to be 3 week old chicks run, play and catch mosquitoes. Life stood still for a bit and the my world was right!!! I was out there for almost an hour, oops.... Now off to bed and do it all again tomorrow. Thank goodness I have Friday off. Too bad I got suckered into working Sat as that is my expected hatch date. Blah.... Night all!!!!
You are lucky if you have any hay. We are pretty well burned up around here. Unless we get some late rain most of the farmers are going to have to work with only one cutting this year. Not good after a short year last year also.

That stinks!!! Do you have horses or livestock other than chickens? I only have the chickens and 2 pleasure horses. Well 2 dogs, kids, husband and grandkids but you know what I mean, lol....

The Dorkings are from a mixed colored flock, but pure Dorking. 2 silver gray hens, a red hen, a silver grey rooster and a white rooster. So it could be interesting.
It's been really humid here too. Our house is running about 45-50%. It's a little much for me. I'll go in and take the eggs out and turner and get the water out of it. what should the humidity be for the eggs. The instructions that I got with my eggs from ebay, the lady told me 60% and then 80% during lock down. They're americauna eggs. not sure if that makes a difference. This is only my second try.
So I get home tonight exhausted and stressed from work and from this unusually hot and humid weather for us Mainers.  I went out to feed the animals and it all slipped away.  I have to tell you there in nothing better than listening to your horses quietly munch beautiful fresh hay, while the barn is full of that wonderful smell of new hay, to then pull up your chair and watch your soon to be 3 week old chicks run, play and catch mosquitoes.  Life stood still for a bit and the my world was right!!!  I was out there for almost an hour, oops....  Now off to bed and do it all again tomorrow.  Thank goodness I have Friday off.  Too bad I got suckered into working Sat as that is my expected hatch date.  Blah....  Night all!!!!

I know what you mean about the horses eating fresh hay! I can just stand there and watch them eat! I also get sucked into watching the young chicks play! Ah the farm life!
I will be setting some EE and EE crosses along with purebreed Araucana eggs. Anyone want to join in?

Hoping for a good hatch but with Araucana you never know. I have to say I bought the eggs from fellow BYCer. She did a fantastic job and was very generous. I bought 10+. She sent 16. All arrived in good shape. Priority mail was late (of course) so they set in post office over the weekend. Fingers crossed that the storage area was temp controlled as it was in the 90's over the weekend.

I started on the 16th. If you don't mind I'd like to join in. I have 38 eggs going, all bantams, bought from fellow BYCers. First time I've bought eggs. Used to hatch my own LF all the time with good luck so I'm hoping this hatch goes the same way. You never know what's going to happen with eggs that have moved through the mail system. At least it wasn't so dang hot when the eggs were shipped. Right now our temps outside are still in 90's. Just too hot for me. Good luck and happy hatching!
It's been really humid here too. Our house is running about 45-50%. It's a little much for me. I'll go in and take the eggs out and turner and get the water out of it. what should the humidity be for the eggs. The instructions that I got with my eggs from ebay, the lady told me 60% and then 80% during lock down. They're americauna eggs. not sure if that makes a difference. This is only my second try.

I'm still fairly new but have had a few successful hatches. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please, but I think it should be 35-45% for the first 18 days. I shoot for 40% then try to hit 80% for lock down. But there are many ideas of what is ideal. I did try to do a dry hatch and so far the was my worst hatch yet, but others swear by it. I think you area and conditions contribute to what will work for you and what won't. Good luck!!! I'm still running about 50% this morning. Lock down bator about 75%, I did add water to that one.
I started on the 16th. If you don't mind I'd like to join in. I have 38 eggs going, all bantams, bought from fellow BYCers. First time I've bought eggs. Used to hatch my own LF all the time with good luck so I'm hoping this hatch goes the same way. You never know what's going to happen with eggs that have moved through the mail system. At least it wasn't so dang hot when the eggs were shipped. Right now our temps outside are still in 90's. Just too hot for me. Good luck and happy hatching!

Welcome aboard!!! I'm hoping my shipped eggs come today it is unreal hot here. My poor eggs probably will be junk due to the heat, blah..... Good luck to you!!!!!
My eggs are here but I need to leave for work. I'll let them settle and set them tonight when I get home, yippee!!!!!
Sorry, still new to chickens. Can you tell me what FBCM's are? Thank you!!!! I'm sure it's here somewhere but easier to ask, lol... I'm in love with the LOs but just got to stick to a few, I also love the BLRW, so many awesome birds out there!!!!
French Black Copper Marans

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