Setting eggs on 3/7. Anyone else?

I'll be joining all of you. On Friday I will be putting a mix of (35) Delawares, (20) Americanas, (12) Barred Rocks, And (30) of my own eggs that are the Rhode Islane Red rooster and Delaware Hen cross for some Sex links if new rooster has Dated the Hens properly. Also adding a bar yard mix of (48) for Another Gal on here who lives close by.
Exciting thread to read!!! Congrats to you all. My chickies are 26/28, due 4/5. Mini temp spike last night, still in therapeutic range. There's some awesome reading on Sally's site about chick neck position and how it elicits the simultaneous movement patterns associated with stabilization and movement in the shell for effective hatching. And an other article covering the O2/CO2 levels in the air space, with the chick actually having a build up of CO2 after pip, resulting in anoxia, resulting in muscle spasms which elicit the hatching mechanism. Fascinating read of perfectly choreographed events. When you read about the switch from oxygen exchange happening only on a vascular level to an air exchange model, and that the CO2 level is way high at that time, it makes you wonder how they survive at all, and lends credence to the position held by many that you do a chick no favors by helping it out of the shell. That being said, when I have a chick taking an extra long time from internal pip to external pip, will I help it? Most likely. But,after reading these 2 articles, it makes a lot more sense that once you make that external pip for a chick in distress, you're even more on commit mode to see it through with assistance.

Poor little guy looks tired. He's gonna make me wait allllll day I'm sure because he knows I'm excited...
12 of mine are out, 10 are fluffy and in the brooder. Still waiting on action from the remaining 2. Mine were early, so don't freak if you're not there yet.
Is it normal that I can see his beak moving but no sound coming out? Hasn't made anymore progress, but I'm wondering if I should be hearing him when it looks like he's trying to peep
On day 21 with no pips so far. 6/9 were wriggling around in their shells last night so I'm hoping we at least get a couple out of this. :( Humidity is set at 64%/ 99.4 - 99.7 temp (with no opening for the last few days so I don't know what else I could do for them.
One cream legbar rooster out of the shell. Fingers still crossed for a hen. One swedish flower that haspipped the shell. I think this is going to be drawn out.

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