Setting eggs today. I'm a hatching virgin.

Yep!... found one egg cracked and leaking... good call, cleared it out and hopefully going to get a couple... have a couple that show nothing and a couple with blood rings 2 or 3 seem to have chicks in them
so still hoping:)
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At 4:30 I had two more and all of the eggs had little holes in them. My brooder box is set at 90 degrees.

So far so good, I am setting aside more eggs to incubate as soon as these are out.

Hatching eggs isn't so bad after all.

Congrats to everyone who is hatching, Hang in there Newlywed your babies will hatch soon.
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Here are the babies!


vbdeleon- Aww they are so cute, Congrats!!!!

lorrir- That's great you will have to post pics of your fuzzy butts soon.

As for me, still nothing.................................

I am so impatient, I want chicks already or at least a pip!

I have more eggs being shipped as we speak I should get them Wednesday, but at this point I am wondering if these will even hatch, and should I risk it all over again. I am on day 21 but have read were people have chicks hatch day 22 and day 23rd, so I am hoping.
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Aw, newlyweds, that stinks!!! What kind of incubator do you have? I'm so thrilled I went with the Genesis Hovabator. It does make things pretty simple and fool (cause I'm a bit of a fool) proof. I hope they're just being a little slow and will be pipped, at least, by morning.

Mine are doing well! All but three are hatched and a couple are now nice and fluffy. They sure are pathetic lil' drunkards when they first hatch--fall asleep standing up, wibble wobble all over then suddenly careen out of control. Silly chicks. I'm now a convert to the egg carton hatch. Of the 12 in the carton only one has not hatched- and that's the only non-pipper, too. The other two were part of a group of nine on the bottom of the bator in cupcake liners. They are being kicked around all over and I can't even see the pips to see what's happening.

My first little pipper was actually the most recent to make it out. I'd actually given up on the poor little thing. I saw no action for the longest time and it was well over 24 hours before it made it out. But about 20 minutes ago, out the little one popped. I think if that one had been kicked around like the others it might not have made it. It struggled so much being stationary!

Here are the first little pips:

The grand entrance of several:

Fluffing and drying their cute, little feathered bottoms:


And finally, the first lil' pipper, about to make an entrance:


Mama hen, Pecky (my broody in the henhouse) has at least 3 she hatched today as well! She's so proud.
I'll get pics of her tomorrow. Hope she won't mind me adding a few more to the family tomorrow night!
Lunawriter- What cutie pies! I hope the rest of them hatch as well. I just love the hatch pictures.

As for me I have an LG still air with automatic turner.

But for an update I was just in their tapping on the window "patiently" trying to wake them, lol. When I swear I heard some scratching around, like they are trying to pip. This makes me feel a little better. But of course it only means I won't hardly sleep all night I am sure.
Just to update I had no pips or chicks last night. Though this morning I did hear some chirping!! So I am taking that as a positive. Crossing my fingers for some chicks today!
newlyweds that's exciting! I've heard of still air incubators taking longer than forced air. I hope you get so see a chick tonight!
I got nothing....that temp spike did them in. I'll try again next week and keep a better eye on my temps. Congrats to everyone on their new fuzzy butts!!

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