Setting eggs today. I'm a hatching virgin.

Hi Newlyweds and all.......
Been on this thread...first time hatching. I wrote on Monday... day 22...18 home grown Ameraucanas' eggs in Suro 20 'bator. Not a single pip. Decided to let them go until Wednesday. Then about noon time yesterday, DH noticed a small pip. By 3 pm it was out and dry. Funny thing was it was the only RIR egg I had put in there...and it hatched. Then about 2 AM this morning a 2nd egg. By 7:30 AM I had 4 little fluffy babies. They've been popping all day. I either have 9 or 10 hatched and I can see 2 more with pips.
So, I guess I was right when I said my eggs were probably 'developmentally delayed'.
Looks like the hatch was a sucess after all ! Which makes me happy. Not because I needed more chicks...promised to a friend....but after the money I spent on that Suro I can see it works and did a good job. I still say it's not roomy though. Supposed to hold 20 + chick eggs. I won't ever put in more then 14 again. It did a good job with temp and humidity.
Good luck to all and when hatch is over I will post pics. I've been taking pics along the way but waaaay too many ! When they're in their "brooder" I'll take pics.
Newlyweds...thanks for your encouragement and hope that yours have started. This was day 23 for my eggs.
This morning I had 18 in the brooder box, 2 in the bator and 2 pipping. I set 36 eggs, took out 10 at week two, (from new hens I bought and they had not been with my roo long enough)

Day 18 I had 26 eggs, So I guess my hatch rate is not too bad. My temps were all over. This time I'm setting the temp and leaving it no more tweaking. I already have two dozens eggs set aside for a new hatch. But I have to clean the bator first. WHAT A MESS!

Newlyweds--- good luck
Hello all,
Newlyweds: congrats and good luck on your coming hatch!

We have 9 so far, and one more pipped. Here's a photo of a few. I thought it was so cute how the first thing the little ones do is try to go under the older ones, like they'd do with a natural momma. I think this one thinks he found a surrogate mother hen!

Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. I am happy to annouce I finally have a pip!!! And I hear chirping. 1 egg pipped around 5:30 and hasn't done anything since. So I am patiently waiting, and hoping so bad for a little chick really soon.

nathan and lindsay- Aww that picture is the cutest, the chick squeezed right in there.

lorrir- I'd say those are great numbers, congrats!

poultrypatch- Yea they hatched, I am hoping for the same story from my chicks.

CajunChick- So sorry to hear about your hatch. But glad that your going to try again. I have some eggs on their way to me right now, hoping to set Friday!
Newlyweds: Congrats on your pip !!! Out of my 18 eggs I now have 11 hatched....4 with pips and 3 that aren't doing much of anything and will probably be tossed tomorrow night. All in all it was a good hatch and I'm happy with it.
Hi All I am happy to report my one pip the little Barred Rocks, hatched early this morning about 5am or so. No other pips so far as I can tell, wonder how long it will take the rest to start up? How long did it take for yours? Or did they all pip around the same time?
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Hey everyone!

18/30 eggs arrived today - all in great condition. Hopefully the others will be here within a day or two as well so they can all go in together (along with a couple from my own hens just for fun). I'm a bit behind, tho - I still need to get my friend's 'bator running and stabilized!

Question: What's the longest you'd recommend letting them sit/settle before they need to get in there? 2-3 days max? I know that the longer they're dormant, the less likely they'll hatch, and that shipped eggs should be allowed to settle for at least 24 hrs before incubating, but how long is too long for them to sit?

Congrats on the new addition. Three of mine pipped around the same, one of the others pipped as one of the first was zipping, and the other one was a whole day later. They are so cute. I moth got into the brooder and one of them found it, picked it up and started running around trying to find a place to figure out what she had. My oldest son was laughing so hard. Keep us posted newlyweds, and hopefully we will hear more wonderful news!
vbdeleon- well so far I just have the 1 BR chic, no other pips or anything. In the morning I will set up the brooder for the one chick and I guess try to find another chick locally, I feel bad for it being by itself. I don't think any of my other eggs made it. I will run the incubator 1 more day just in case. Today is day 23.

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