Setting eggs today. I'm a hatching virgin.

Oh my goodness! Babies already?! I didn't start until Monday night so I'm hoping I have a bit of time today. I'm going to go out and buy shelf liner this morning, and I think I'm going to have mine hatch in egg cartons, too.

Holy canoli, the clock is ticking. Now I just hope and pray my little chickies will actually make it safely...
Way to go!! How exciting!! Pictures please, must have pictures!!

So this morning the eggs went into lockdown. I used a rubber mat at the bottom and egg cartons, I also added a small jar lid with water and a sponge, humidity is holding steady about 68%.

I am so excited about these eggs. I have 3 barred Rock, 1 buff orpington and 1 Rhode Island Red refrigerator egg the only one of 5 that developed.

After I shut the lid I took a picture from the viewing pane and surprised it turned out so clear.

Good luck everyone and I would love to see pictures!!
I am so excited!!! Just did the final turn, made sure there was water in the resevior, and began lockdown. I tried to candle, but all I could see was the airsac. I did think that as I was turn one over my little flashlight that I heard a chirp. I think that I read somewhere that this could happen. This is sooooo cool; can't wait to see what kind of cute little chicks I get (not sure what they are, they were given to me by my dad from one of his co-workers and he doesnt know what they are). I didnt ever think that I could be this excited over chickens; but from those first little veins until now, I can hardly discribe the feeling. My husband and I would put our two boys down every night and then run to the bator, pull out the flashlight and look for the little veins and eventual movements of our little chicks. This is our first time with chickens, and we are excited about all the things that we can do.
Good Luck during lockdown!

I am on day 21, and phew it's been exhausting. I have 4 hatched and 4 more pipped. I actually had to help one out, and that was terrifying but I think it's going to be OK. I haven't slept much in 2 days so I'm hoping to sleep well tonight and see more chicks in the morning. I'll post a picture and I also have a webcam up.

This experience has been wonderful, but also very stressful! Good luck!!

Congratulations!! They are just adorable! I hope you were able to sleep a little last night.
By the way, I just looked at your byc page: I love it! You take beautiful photos and your dogs are just too cute with those chicks!
BLaBauve - aww congratulations sorry it's been stressful hopefully the rest of the hatch will be easy as pie. The chicks are so cute, this makes me so anxious for my little peepers.

vbdeleon- How cool you heard a peep!! I saw one wiggle Thursday night, but nothing since. Can't wait till they start hatching.
I am so worried about my eggs. Day 20 today, no peeps, no wiggles. Is this normal? I did have a temperature drop and then spike about 4 days ago. If they are all dead would they smell bad at this point? Or do I just have to wait a few more days to find out?
ok, virgin hatcher here too, am getting some live chicks also , but my wife wanted to try hatching so we got some eggs and an incubator and are giving it a go... hatch day is the 28th(our live babies get here the same week!),got some black copper marin eggs because she saw them on the martha stewart chicken show and thought they were, anyways... was wondering about the lockdown... like the egg carton idea will try it. we have candled a couple of times, the eggs are dark so not sure if we are seeing anything or not!

but 1 strange question.... does anyone else find that when they open the incubator it smells like fried eggs???

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