Setting Feb 16, want to join in>Hatch-Along

Here is my box o chicks I just took out there are also nine more that are drying off in there now plus at least maybe ten more that have pipped. These were all set on 2/23

This is goose he hatched out 4 days ago
ugh. Well I had to cull one of my chickies.
Little Peg was not improving, had a leg injury from hatchday on. I can't believe how attached I was.

I did wind up picking up 4 barred cochins from the local feed store, and I wound up with a black silkie from the farm where I goat sit... It kept getting out so she sent it home with me "to brood with mine"... I said.. You really don't think it will come back unless it's a rooster right?

Tomorrow I will start super taming some of the *12* that I have left... I can only keep about 5 in the end!! Tonight though, it's a beer salute to poor little Peg, RIP, your life taught me a ton.
My 14 are doing great. ;) Tomorrow will be a week since the first one hatched so I finally did way with the remaining four eggs that didn't hatch. It looked like two were not fertile or at least didn't develope at all and the other two had small chickes in them that died along the way.

My 14 are still doing great, surprisingly great really. They will be 2 weeks old in about 3 days and they are huge! I have some store bought chicks that are just 2-3 days younger than these that I hatched out and the ones i hatched are twice as big! And dang they are loud. They are still in the house but have got to go to the garage SOON. They sound like a flock of blackbirds squawking! Some are already looking roosterish to me! A few of them are already getting combs! In less than two weeks they have nearly outgrown the tote they are in. They are headed to a swimming pool... in the garage!
Roosterish? How can you tell?
I too can only keep females.
My lil ones are 5 weeks now.
on many breeds the boys will grow wing feathers like crazy; by the time they are 10-14 days old their wing feathers are at their tails while the girls will be shorter. Also in some breeds their combs will start growing faster than the girls at about 2 or 3 weeks. Other breeds, like Ameraucauna take forever! I have two Ams that were hatched in Dec and I'm still not sure of their sex!
On a couple they have lil bumps where the roo has spurs. But so do two of my ducks and they were sexed females from ideal poultry.
Do some breeds grow an extra toe?

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