Sex- linked Information

If you look at the chart for Black Sex Links in the every first post in this thread you will not find the Black Orpington listed, but it could go in the Group 1 Extended Black. When Tim set up those charts he could not include every breed/color available that would work. It’s just not possible to include everything. You can always find exceptions.

Another thing about those charts. Every rooster on the left will work with every hen on the right, but there are several combinations not shown that will make black sex links. There are two criteria for making black sex links. The rooster cannot be barred but the hen has to be and you have to be able to see the spot in the down at hatch. For example, a Delaware hen carries barring and if you pair her with any rooster in the Group 1 Extended Black you will get a black sex link. A Birchen would probably work too. But if you pair her with any other rooster on that chart, you cannot see the spot so Tim cannot include her in the chart.

The basic principles of making black sex links aren’t all that hard but the implementation can get tricky.
It all a bit confusing to me. Direct questions to someone that knows is better for me. So if I will get sex-links from my Black Orpington & Barred Rock cross the males will have an all black head and the females will have the spot correct?

Also from the chart I understand that I will get sex-links from my Black Orpington & Silver Laced Wyandotte. Is this correct or did I misread the chart?

Thank you...
It all a bit confusing to me. Direct questions to someone that k
nows is better for me. So if I will get sex-links from my Black Orpington & Barred Rock cross the males will have an all black head and the females will have the spot correct?

Also from the chart I understand that I will get sex-links from my Black Orpington & Silver Laced Wyandotte. Is this correct or did I misread the chart?

Thank you...

I believe males from the black orpington barred cross will have the yellow head dot females will not. Im not sure about the wyandottes
It all a bit confusing to me. Direct questions to someone that knows is better for me. So if I will get sex-links from my Black Orpington & Barred Rock cross the males will have an all black head and the females will have the spot correct?

Also from the chart I understand that I will get sex-links from my Black Orpington & Silver Laced Wyandotte. Is this correct or did I misread the chart?

Thank you...
The Black Orpington x Barred rock cross will create sexlinks, the Males have the head spot, females do not.

Black Orpington x Silver Laced Wyandotte cross I do not believe will create Sexlinks. If you use a gold based Male crossed to the SLW that would work.
I posted this first on a different thread. Figured I would have better luck here.

Originally Posted by tommysgirl

Geneticists I need help

So I have my California Grey. She has an amazing temperament and is an excellent layer so I wanted to use her and my hatchery NH to create black sex links.

I put several of her eggs in my first hatch of the season and I had these babies.
The chipmonk striped is a NH over Dorking SL pullet. I assumed that they other two were NH over CG. Little boy in the back little girl in the front and I sold them as such.

This is the daddio, hatchery rescue rooster.

Just another shot of the BSL chicks

So, When I had a trio of broodies and they collectively hatched this baby in the bottom rt corner from a CG egg I assumed BSL Pullet and was happy. We named her Wanda and my plan was to keep her until she got to POL then sell her this spring.

As she grew I was puzzled that she appeared to be developing cuckoo/barring pattern but her comb still looked like this

I was thrilled with her Interesting coloration and super cute personality. She is totally tame and friendly.

last week when Wanda turned into Juan:

I am confused. Why would this cross have created this chick? Red over cuckoo = black boys with head spot and girls that are solid black or in this case...I thought...had red faces and heads.

It is conceivable that my bantam cockerel got to her but he is Silkie/D'Uccle and has black legs extra toes and feathered feet. Juan's legs like the legs of the chicks that hatched in the first clutch are so yellow they look orange. His mother's eggs are white...the presumed baby daddy is supposed to have yellow but his are white too. Chick came out of a white egg so he has to be either Dorking or California Grey on mom's side. I have hatched and raised several of the Dorking crosses and they look nothing like this.
If you have no barred males as breeders then your chick did not show the head spot or it was very faint and you missed it . These males only have 1 barring gene and barred females on a wild type chick often do not show the spot . Females can only have 1 barring gene . So my guess is it is a fluke due to 1 barring gene on the chipmunk background .
Thank you. Nope there is no barred male on the property. There actually was a very faint and indistinct head spot but I saw the red and chose to ignore it.

I did not realize that the red can be passed on to the male chicks from their sire

So I guess in the case of the chicks from this pairing NH over California Grey, it is the head matter how distinct, that is the tell, not the red down on the head. It is time for me to get that Brinsea mini advance and hatch a bunch so that I can look at several pullets and cockerels side by side with this knowledge.

I am confused by your references to the wild type chick. The one pictured is a NH over Dorking. The females hatch red and the males hatch yellow. They are great hardy chicks. The cockerels weigh over 5 lbs at 18 weeks. Haven't eaten them yet but the carcass is nice and meaty.

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