Sex- linked Information

I don't have time to read 41 pages on this thread, so with that said heres my question: I received eggs from sex link hens bred by 1 of 5 different roos. The chicks from these eggs look like sexlink chicks. Shouldn't the sexing be correct to there colors? I have chicks that are black with white on their heads, some without the white, reds and yellows(white). So,sexing?
Sexlink hens do not produce sexlink offspring. What you have is just a variety of colorful mixed breed chicks.
I don't have time to read 41 pages on this thread, so with that said heres my question: I received eggs from sex link hens bred by 1 of 5 different roos. The chicks from these eggs look like sexlink chicks. Shouldn't the sexing be correct to there colors? I have chicks that are black with white on their heads, some without the white, reds and yellows(white). So,sexing?
The hens were sex links and the roosters are unknown - so, no, the chicks are not sex linked.
I don't have time to read 41 pages on this thread, so with that said heres my question: I received eggs from sex link hens bred by 1 of 5 different roos. The chicks from these eggs look like sexlink chicks. Shouldn't the sexing be correct to there colors? I have chicks that are black with white on their heads, some without the white, reds and yellows(white). So,sexing?
sex linking is single generational. Breeding a sex link to anything gets you a backyard mix... but let me tell you that my best layers and broodies are back yard mixes. :)
I don't have time to read 41 pages on this thread, so with that said heres my question: I received eggs from sex link hens bred by 1 of 5 different roos. The chicks from these eggs look like sexlink chicks. Shouldn't the sexing be correct to there colors? I have chicks that are black with white on their heads, some without the white, reds and yellows(white). So,sexing?

Eggs hatched from sex-link hens are never sex-linked themselves, though they may share the same down colors, all the colors will be about 50/50 sex ratios, meaning you will need to wait to sex them until they grow up more. On the bright side, they should retain much of their momma's good laying ability.

If you want to hatch sexable chicks, you need to get eggs from a reputable source that knows the genetics. Or get pure strains of autosexing breeds like Rhodebars or Crested Cream Legbars. I highly recommend that route, especially if you can keep a roo, then you can have a self-sustaining flock of purebred birds that are all sexable at hatch,
I was just curious because I have a lot of chicks that look like their sex link parents.
It is understandable. They will look like their parents often times but it is not connected to the sex of the chicks. Hope you enjoy them. I really like breeding sex links for the obvious reasons but also because I don't end up accidentally naming and getting attached to the boys that will end up in my freezer.
Here are some Red Sex-Link and Rhode Island Red chicks. The white chicks are the RSL males, the buff color are the RSL females and the darker chicks are the RIR chicks.


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