Sex- linked Information








My RSL hens and cockerels, and their mother's sister (lost the mama to a predator last week). Speckled Sussex X Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock. The hens just started laying.

My RSL hens and cockerels, and their mother's sister (lost the mama to a predator last week). Speckled Sussex X Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock. The hens just started laying.

Any idea what the predator was?
I hate loosing birds to predators and I have lost quite a few over the years. I Haven't lost a bird to a predator though in a very long time , but my coops and pens are like Fort Knox. They pens are covered, concrete under the gates and electric around all of the pens and coops. Hopefully the predator won't be back but often times they do return. I had a bob cat that I had to catch, he killed many of my Pheasants. I did eventually catch him, a fox, possum, and others. I never did catch a coyote that was killing some of my birds but did shoot him with some #4 shot so I didn't kill him but he hasn't killed any more of my birds. I'm pretty sure I hit him. I have seen a coyote around but not too close, it may have been him. Most critters that come if they touch the electrical wire they get a good shock and don't come back to test it out again. There have been times when I have forgotten to turn it off and have touched the wire which made my heart skip a few beats. I hope you get your predator. Good luck...

This is the netting over my pens. The netting is 75 feet x 200 feet. It is attached to the coops.

The electric wire.

Some of the gates have concrete from the bottoms of old crab traps, but nothing will did under them. some years ago I had a fox did under my gates and kill birds and drag them out and go back and kill more. I think most of the predators I have had have been diggers. I did have owls and some hawks kill some birds so I put some heavy duty netting over the top of all of the pens and no more air predator kills so far.
I'm crossing a Heritage Red rooster with barred rock hens. I'm confused on how they should look. hatch them and true barred rocks. Should have marked the eggs before. Now I'm not sure what is what. Help if you can. Thanks.
Any chicks with no head spot should be females from the cross. The chicks with the spot could be either true barred rocks or the males from the crosses.

The true barred rock males will probably have a larger spot, that comes from those males having two copies of the barred gene while the male crosses and the BR pullets only have one barred gene. That’s not always easy to see though.
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I'm crossing a Heritage Red rooster with barred rock hens. I'm confused on how they should look. hatch them and true barred rocks. Should have marked the eggs before. Now I'm not sure what is what. Help if you can. Thanks.

If the male is a single comb the chicks should be black with a white spot on the head of the male chicks. My Red Sex-Links with my Heritage Red boy came out as they should but when the females feathered out they were darker than the hatchery RSL birds.
I hatched these out for a friend. There are several different breeds but the Black Sex-Link chicks in the picture are from a Heritage Red male and true Barred Rock girls originally came from Good Shepherd Poultry. I gave him one of my pure Red males. The white chicks are Delawares.

These are some of the girls from my cross.
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I am terrified of 1" netting. I lost my fayoumi and a pet rabbit to that stuff. From now on, I'm only going to use hardware cloth 1/2" or smaller.

Right now I'm trying to figure out whether I have roos or pullets in these 4. Their ages range every few days from 13 - 5 days. Hubby kept bringing eggs in and sneaking them in the incubator.

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I am terrified of 1" netting. I lost my fayoumi and a pet rabbit to that stuff. From now on, I'm only going to use hardware cloth 1/2" or smaller.

Right now I'm trying to figure out whether I have roos or pullets in these 4. Their ages range every few days from 13 - 5 days. Hubby kept bringing eggs in and sneaking them in the incubator.

Do you know exactly who the parents are for sure?
Mommy is either my RIR or BR. Fairly certain she's the BR. Daddy is my Brahma (kind of silvery) - there's no mistaking the fuzzy feet (even though my only other roo is a Cochin).

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