Sex- linked Information

i have 12 golden sexlings can u tell me what color eggs and what size eggs will they lay?

Typically Golden Sexlinks (or Sexlinks in general) Lay large (but can be anywhere between medium to X-large) brown (almost any shade). Some have been known to lay double yolkers. Keep in mind that they are a mix/mutt/hybrid breed, and not a pure breed.
of my different "breeds" of sexlink fowl, the ISA Browns laid the biggest egg. x-lg to jumbo size typically. light shade of brown egg. double yokers were typical. only problem with these hens were they only laid good quality egg shelled eggs for a yr to yr and a half. these hens also were the best layers ive ever had.
my golden comets lay a lg to x-lg darker brown egg generally. rarely a double yoker. they lay better quality eggs for a longer period of time. not quite as good layer as the ISA's but very close.
I have been reading this thread off and on over and over ..I even have some genetics in my background..but Im still struggling...I would like to attempt to make some sex links but since not all breeds are listed...Im at a loss really...will someone who reeeally knows there breeds help me out if I list all the breeds I have or shortly will have and see if theres any matches? Pretty please? :D
..will someone who reeeally knows there breeds help me out if I list all the breeds I have or shortly will have and see if theres any matches? Pretty please?

just list them, I´ll help you out
just list them, I´ll help you out
Lav orps Lem cuckoo orp Marans Silver laced brahmas White aneraucanas Lav ameracaunas Unfortunately ...split AND black ameraucanas from my lav hatches cannot tell the difference BLRWs Tolbunts..cant imagine they would be useful?? California whites Multitude of olive eggers and EES I created here. Thank you for your help...any information would be great!!! If I have something I can use I will but would be willing to get one more breed to match up with something I have?
You didn't say what color varieties you have in EEs or marans so,
from your list, you could try your SL brahma hen with your BLRW rooster for red sex links. The male chicks would have whitish down and the females reddish.
You didn't say what color varieties you have in EEs or marans so,
from your list, you could try your SL brahma hen with your BLRW rooster for red sex links. The male chicks would have whitish down and the females reddish.
Are you serious? This whole time I had birds I could have created them from? Well thank you! Now you say I could TRY meaning it MIGHT work??? OR will work? ;) Im not going to mess with my breeders combining now but Ill take some of the ones Im incubating and raise them together so Ill have eggs to incubate from that grouping in late Fall;) thank you Oh and I have BCM..1 BIRCHEN maran hen ...The EES are very mixed and I couldnt really be specific...Im breeding new ones that I know their backgrounds to.
As stated by the OP, "Any breeder can produce red sex linked chicks if they have a red male and silver female chicken that carry the correct genotype (genes a bird carries). The red male parent in the cross must carry two sex linked gold alleles (s+/s+) while the silver female must carry the silver allele (S/_w)"

"Additional male birds that can be used in a red-sex linked cross: Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. . . "

"Some crosses using silver females and gold males produce offspring that can not easily be separated into groups of male chicks or female chicks. It is important that the breeder choose the correct breeds to use in making a red sex linked cross.

As a general rule, do not use autosomal barred birds ( Campine, Fayoumi, etc) or spangled birds ( Appenzeller, Hamburg, etc.) and laced Polish ( laced tail and single lacing). These birds carry the birchen allele which will not produce the down colors needed in a red sex linked cross.

Questions and Answers

Q 1. Can a gold laced or blue laced red wyandotte rooster be crossed with a silver laced wyandotte female and produce red sex linked chicks?

A. 1. Yes, the chicks with buff on their faces are females and the chicks with white in their faces will be males. Both males and females will also have black patterns on their head and face which will hide some of the buff or white facial down. Silver laced wyandotte females should be included in group 2B in the Breeds to Cross table.
Oops, hit the wrong key. In light of the above by the OP, I say "try" as I don't know the genotype of your silver-laced brahma hen and they aren't listed in the tables. But I believe it would work similar to the SLW as he shows in Q1 above.

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