Sex- linked Information

for the best dual purpose birds would you suggest a production red or production black over a brahma? if not what would be the best female to produce the largest fastest growing offsping to work well with the Red or black Rangers? I would prefer the chicks be completely different colors if possible for the easiest sexing. Thanks
Hi Happy--the Chicken Hut is going together well, slowly but surely. We are grateful for your help.

I do not know the answer to your above question, but I can tell you what I am doing, and I will let you know how it works out. Of course, these things take time.

I have a couple really REALLY nice heritage RIR roos, and I plan to put them over my Silver Laced Wyandotte hens. Hmmm, I wonder what will happen to the combs, as the SLWs and rose comb, and the RIRs are stand up comb. Anyway, that is what I am doing, and I will have to re-check this, but I believe it will give a white chick for males and a reddish chick for the gals.

I think this should produce a very nice healthy chicken, which will lay nice brown eggs. It may take a while for it to start laying, because the RIRs, especially heritage, can be as long as nine months to start, but my hope is that then these hens will continue to lay for a long time; read years.

They will be coming from nice healthy stock.

Like I say, I will let you know. I really like these RIR roos, as they are calm and non aggressive. I cannot have an aggressive roo as I am a little fragile. It is a death sentence here to attack me.

I don't have Bramas. I did study the subject for a while before I picked on the above combo.

Ok--I re-checked my sources, and yes, my RIR roo over SLW hens should produce a nice sex link which will have reddish pullet chicks and white cockerel chicks.

I plan to call them FaerieSpuns!

By next summer or maybe even sooner I should have some eggs. I am really looking forward to this little project.

okay i ordered red and black sex link pullets. Am I going to have to keep my Roo Australorp away from them????? I dont want them to breed at all.. Im new to this whole sex link thing... Is it okay if they do????
Yes it is OK if they breed, the eggs will be fertile, but its not like theres a chick in it, there wouldnt be a chick unless it was inbuated, you wont be able to tell a difference in the taste or appearance between fertile and non fertile eggs. Just collect and refrigerate them everyday and they will be fine. But if you dont want them to breed, then yes, you will have to keep your roo away from them. You dont need a roo for the hens to lay eggs but you do if you want to incubate your eggs. And you cannot get more sexlinks by breeding your BA roo to the sexlink hens.
so if i did incubate them then they would be just Australorps ????? Pretty cool how the whole genetic thing works out.. I dont know I would have to seriously think about getting an incubator .. But thankyou for the information though
No If you breed Sexlink hens to an Australorp rooster, you would just get cross bred mutts. You have to breed Australorp to Australorp to get pure Australorps. Your chicks mutt chicks ( BA X SL crosses, wont be sexlinked so you wont be able to tell the males and females apart by color at hatch. You'd just get a few mixed colored chicks but they should still be great layers.
Ok.... Not that I've read this and am thoroughly comfused
Is there such a thing as a WHITE sexlink Rooster?? I have three that I am growing up for dinner, but they're WHITE... and at 13 weeks old they weight about 3.5lbs. May I assume that I might have gotten Leghorns?
They are Technically Red Sexlinks becuase they the Sexlinks are named by the hes color So Red Sexlink roosters are white, just as Black Sexlink roosters are barred.

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