Sexing Easter Eggers

I ask because both your Production Red chick and the Buff chick have a darker shade of color on their wings/shoulder area. That's one early indicator of cockerels in red/gold breeds.
Can you tell me how old the pullet is in the bottom photo?
they are all 5 weeks, worried about the EE, do u think they are all female?
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I've been worried that one or both of my chicks are Roos since 4 weeks. They are now about 6 weeks. Neither have yellow combs. The red/brown one is approx. 3 days older, she is looking and acting more ladylike. She's very timid but sweet and she's developing more of a hen like body, tail and feather pattern. The lighter one has become very dominant and likes to chase and jump on the brown one. It has even tried to challenge my much larger, year old hens. It's feather color, splotchy coloring, pointy tail and aggressive attitude all scream rooster to me. I just wanted to see if I may be wrong before attempting to rehome. What to you guys think? I hope they're not both Roos.

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