Sexing white peachicks


Oct 6, 2019
Eastern Ontario, Canada
I have 3 white peachicks approximately 5 months old. Maybe this is too early to guess sex but I'm impatient. The way I tell them apart is the feathers on their crest. Difficult to get pics as they are very quick. What should I be looking at?
Peachick #1
Peachick 1a.jpg
Peachick 1b.jpg

Peachick #2
Peachick 2a.jpg
Peachick 2b.jpg

Peachick #3
Peachick 3a.jpg
Peachick 3b.jpg
Honestly, you should be looking at sending off a blood test as I do with all of my Whites, Peach, Purple, Cameo, and Spaldings. But if you would like to guess... looking at the crest will tell you nothing. The neck feathers are different on hens and cocks, a hen will be a smooth fan shape whereas cock will have a rough finger-like look. The neck in general will look smoother than a cock. A cock will have a long narrow tail and when it displays it will appear like a spade whereas a hen will be more rounded. Sometimes a hen will have neck ridges along the sides of the neck. The spur buds are either round or oval, the cock should be round and hen oval. If there are wispy feathers at the base, side, of the tail it is usually a cock. Other than that, I got nothing.
Thanks. I knew I couldn't tell sex by the feathers on their head but because each one is different that is the only way I can tell them apart. I'll have to be patient until they are older. Maybe by next summer I will be able to see more of the characteristics mentioned. I can certainly see the difference in the neck feathers of the older peacock and peahens.

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