Sexually Mature Roo


10 Years
Jun 18, 2009
Prince Edward Island
I have a rooster who is VERY sexually mature, will my not so sexually mature hens be ok in with him, he keeps mounting them and they dont like it,,,should i separate them?????
Yeah I have 3 pens of teenagers and the yelling makes me upset but they are working it out the first ones to lay no longer squawk when the rooster looks at them....they lay their eggs and he sings the egg song with them shares his treats now and in general acts like a roo should now the other pens still have the yelling going on I figure the same thing will happen I hope soon
Unless he is actually injuring them, they will most likely be okay. They may or may not change their minds when they are "of age." Some hens right out don't like certain roosters, and will not submit to them, which can lead to issues. Or they may accept his leadership and rough advances... If he physically injures them (bloody combs, injuries to the back, etc.), however, I would separate them.

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