Shadow's "tail" a fun RP

Name: Caroline
Gender: Female
Animal person: Wolf
Whos side your on: Paw
Personality: Kind, understanding, brave, smart.
Description: Silver wolf with a black star on her head and orange eyes and white paws.
Code: Fun

Name: Maya
Gender: Female
Animal person: Bald Eagle
Whos side your on: Shadowclaw
Personality: Sly, cunning, intelligent, fast
Description: Strong, and lean. Regular Bald eagle except sharp blue eyes.
Code: Fun
Name: Caroline

Gender: Female

Animal person: Wolf

Whos side your on: Paw

Personality: Kind, understanding, brave, smart.

Description: Silver wolf with a black star on her head and orange eyes and white paws.

Code: Fun

Name: Maya

Gender: Female

Animal person: Bald Eagle

Whos side your on: Shadowclaw

Personality: Sly, cunning, intelligent, fast

Description: Strong, and lean. Regular Bald eagle except  sharp blue eyes.

Code: Fun

(Accepted :) )
(Feel free to jump in at any time

(Okay, whats going on?)
Combeli jumpoed out of the car and pushed them aside.
" While you idiots are blithering about useless things, ill go find it. Combeli fund it easily. It was two rooms left and it a folder.
" FOUND IT!" She yelled as she snarled at herself. She felt stronger, fiercer, and more clever. Its was her new self, and she wasn't going back. She laughed to herself and she saw a mirror in the room. She looked at herself, and she saw herself back.

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