Shaky Legs in Indian Runner Ducks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Oct 11, 2012
Just got a male and female indian runner duck and the male is very unbalanced and has shaky legs. I also noticed that his tail feathers sit under the surface of the water while swimming, while the females point out. I have heard of this in young ducks in the first couple months and then them growing out of it but this duck was born in the spring and it is now november. Any suggestions?
What are you feeding? I ask because ducks require niacin. If they don't get it, they develop leg problems (shaking, loss of balance, twisted feet). If you're feeding them chick starter or something similar, switch them to a game bird or waterfowl feed ASAP.
If niacin/feed isn't the issue, then I have no idea. Sorry. I do suggest you post this in the duck section though, if you haven't already. Good luck.
Just got them yesterday and am currently feeding them scratch grain. I have game bird starter, is that the same as game bird feed and if i get duck food can i mix it with my chicken feed?
Ducks don't do well most of the time on scratch only. It's okay as a small portion of their feed. I would use the game bird starter and get 150 mg of plain niacin per gallon of water going, for at least a month.
and this will most likely cure the shakyness? Even in a bird at 6 + months? Where do I buy that stuff, will my local farmers co-op have it?
I bought some at the local drugstore. Storey's Guide recommends getting the capsules of plain niacin. I have read here that no-flush and timed-release are not good to use, just plain niacin.

So you open the capsule into their water.
Yes, get the plain niacin caps. They will seriously be a miracle cure. Just switching their feed may solve the problem. The gamebird starter is fine.

When I had a small flock of geese, they were leaving their pond and feed to go eat bread at my neighbors house (unbeknownst to me). All I knew was they weren't eating their crumbs. Anyway, eventually I caught sight of them in the neighbors yard and figured something was up. I caught my gander and lured the girls home. Their feet and legs were in horrible shape. One of the hens feet was practically facing the wrong way. I few days eating their proper food turned them around completely. I gave them some water soluble vitamins just to be sure, but I don't think they made much of a difference. Good luck
Thanks, I gave the game bird starter and let them swim in my pond all day yesterday and he is already noticeably better today, I will still get the niacin but im not worried anymore.

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