Shamo? Anyone.

My hen is a very good layer so I have been sitting 4-5 a week. Maybe if I can get two or more out at once they will be happier chicks.

Nicol, you might try saving eggs for 3 weeks before you incubate them. Seems to me a larger cluster of chicks would have a better chance of survival that 4-5. I know people say that after 10 days eggs start loosing their hatchability, but I have game hens that lay off and on for over a month and have excellent hatches, even 100%. Just a thought.........Pop
wow, a bit of controversy going on here on this thread from 2012. we all know GB and Euro have better type Shamo than most US breeders have here. Regardless there are still some excellent breeders here in the US. Each breeding to what they view as important in the standard. I am very serious about my Shamo and have the best intentions to breeding them true to the Euro and Asian standard which I prefer over the US standard. My Shamo are game, they have type. I am working on tail set on some color lines. If you are interested I have a facebook page Fowl Mood Farm. You can see pics, updates on growing birds or holdbacks and anything I may be selling.

I was trying to avoid the "controversy" :) I figured I would try to get everyone talking since I am really really wanting to get some better Shamo. Lord knows there are enough controversies when I try to talk about the Marans I raise. I suppose it just goes hand in hand when people become passionate about their chickens or poultry/livestock in general.

We met in Newnan last month. I was the woman drooling over all your birds, I haven't stopped talking about Angus. I am SO anxious to get some chicks from you. It killed me not to bid on your eggs. I figured I would save the money for the chicks. I hate FB but will certainly check out your page!

Nicol, you might try saving eggs for 3 weeks before you incubate them. Seems to me a larger cluster of chicks would have a better chance of survival that 4-5. I know people say that after 10 days eggs start loosing their hatchability, but I have game hens that lay off and on for over a month and have excellent hatches, even 100%. Just a thought.........Pop
Thanks Pop,
I had other eggs set with them but it was still pretty cold here so fertility was low. The first hatched withe a few others but thesecond one was all alone. I just hatched out another with a 9 of my bantam Marans and 6 LF marans. I did decrease the protein to 18% and I gave them L&S for the first 3 days to boost their immune system. It is getting along well.

Here is my really dumb question....Are wheaten Shamo sexable by wing color at 2-3 weeks like wheaten marans? I assumed all wheaten colored birds would be but you know how it is when you assume...

I am having much better luck now but I have noticed that they are more prone to getting pasty butts than the Marans are. I haven't lost anymore but I did also start giving them LS 50 the first three days. I now have 9 growing strong.

Here is one of my favorites so far. I am not sure what to look for in a Shamo chick. The parents to these came from Carl Brantly they are both calm decent looking birds and certainly fertile.

Hi Nicol, sorry I didn't reply to your question, been insane around here for a week. Yes, you can sex wheatons at hatch by color. Stags will be reddish and pullets lighter, even yellow, or white. To help with the pasty butt issue, a small amount of molasses in their water (mix to look like weak tea) for one day will cure it. Pasty butt, believe it or not, is a symptom of constipation. What happens is, the white stuff (urine) gets by the blockage and cannot escape quickly enough to keep the vent clean. Molasses is a natural laxative for fowl and will clear it up. There are several causes for pasty butt, stress, high incubator heat, etc. so ya hafta sort it out to see what is causing it.
Nice chick. Strong legs. Most likely a pullet. Good luck with them.......Pop
Thank you so much! I have never seen it in the Marans so I never read much up on it. That does make sense. The brooder was a bit warm, I have since moved them to a bigger brooder with the lights higher. I will try the molasses as well. I know what you mean by crazy we had 6 inches of snow in a few hours this past Sunday. I had just uncovered my pens for spring and had to rush Saturday to get them all tucked back in before the storm.

That is interesting about the color difference. I just noticed that between the two oldest one is white one is a reddish just like you said. I will have to check the younger ones too.
Two more came out this morning bringing the total to 11. I have noticed the hen has slowed down a little with her egg laying, she was laying almost daily now it is more like every other day.

I have built them a nice big run hopefully Spring actually does come so I can get them out in it. I hate keeping them inside.

This is the reddish one from above it is a week younger than the other one.

I don't know if you can see in the photo but there is a definite difference.

Thanks again!

Hmmm, still looks a bit light for a stag. Wheaten cocks are red/black and the little stags will be almost as red as a RIR chick. Maybe it's just the pic, but still looks like a pullet. Perhaps a pic of all of them together would change that opinion.......Pop
Hmmm, still looks a bit light for a stag. Wheaten cocks are red/black and the little stags will be almost as red as a RIR chick. Maybe it's just the pic, but still looks like a pullet. Perhaps a pic of all of them together would change that opinion.......Pop
That would be nuts since that is the one with the biggest color difference out of all 11. The picture is pretty accurate compares to what I see. The shade has a little more contrast. They are different than the wheaten marans, with them both chicks are white/yellow at hatch but the males develop black in their wings and the females do not. You can sex them at a couple weeks.

Perhaps I should show photos of the Adults. The hen seems exceptionally dark for a wheaten. I will try to get a group shot of the chicks too.

I am really getting a kick out of these chicks they are the most curious and fearless things I have seen. One runs up to get picked up even. I hope that doesn't mean it will also be a fearless adult and attack me someday.

Thanks for your help. :)
LOL, Julia Keeling (The Shamo Lady) says they are all "Big Puddings" until they reach a certain age and turn on. That's an accurate description. I have had some with attitude that had to be separated early, even with a mature cock policing them. One in particular sassed the old cock and lost his eye, hence the name "Popeye". Never really had a Shamo that was mean to humans. My breed of choice is my Sihya Rampuri Asils, which are under 6 lbs. Orientals are all "special" in my book.............Pop
That is good to hear, it is bad enough having a 9lb Marans rooster out there with a bad attitude, a full grown Shamo might be a little more intimidating.

I came across some Asil at the show this weekend. I couldn't resist bringing home a young trio. :) They are a rather odd looking color right now, I am not sure how they will end up.

I have more chicks due out today.


Happy Easter!

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