She is broody again want to be hatching buddies?

Can i jump in too? I have a hugh splash orp. that is set on 8 dellie eggs , 4 rocks, and one orp egg. She is really a BIG girl and covers them all nicely. I set her on the 21st. She is very dedicated. She gets up once a day and eats drinks poops, dust and back to the nest she runs.
Too me the stuperous state they go into as broodies is amazing. They are totally helpless. I can even pick her up move her and she won't even change how I put her for a few moments. She was the shy one. She is Suedes daughter. I got the eggs from Scott. Thanks again friend. I'll try to get a pic. today if the rain lets up. gloria Jean
You need to put your "mommy" in a secluded area letting other hens into her nest can start fights with your birds or endanger the hatch

i didnt put my last broody in a secluded area and only 1 chick hatched out
I'm in. Helga went broody Sunday. Waiting for eggs. Belle is showing signs of broodiness too. She just hatched a clutch Feb-Mar and she is puffing all up and pecking me if I try to get eggs. I am hoping.

Here is Matilda the EE happily covering her 8 eggs. We are planning to candle today for the first time. She is a good hen to be around, all growl and no bite!
She is inside a plastic tub turned on its side with a 4X4 to help hold in the grass hay.
Well I just put 4 eggs each under my 2 broody hens. Coco is a little smaller than Honey the fluffy wyandotte so I may have t take a few away from Coco.. Honey will not let you near her eggs WHATSOEVER! LOL
Well, of the 6 eggs I put under my broody, 5 of them are progressing right now. A couple are dark-shelled eggs, though, so I can't be too sure about those.

Tomorrow, I think I'll try to take some pics of my broody. I'm still surprised that my sex link went broody and that she's a very good setter! I have to take her off for her to take breaks.
Can I join? I put eggs under my broody yesterday. Her first time being broody and my first having one. I am so excited. I didn't have any fertile eggs (I just rehomed my roo 3 weeks ago) so I bought some locally. Do you mind me asking questions? I can start a new thread if you want.
11 more days on my broody with dels and rocks. Waiting is terrible but I think it is harder on the hen. She is so ill natured right now. I have to give it to her though. She is sticking like glue. Gloria Jean

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