She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

No, but the plastic would have to come off here in the summer--It would make it too hot here. We get over 110
I actually use a blue tarp over my run, which is situated under a couple of maple trees, so doesn't get a lot of direct overhead sun in the summer. I'd use white, or silver, but I already had the blue on hand.
It's sized so that it only comes about 2' down either side of a 4' wide x 6' high run, allowing plenty of light & air circulation through the sides. Rain's not usually a problem in the run unless there's a strong west wind behind it, blowing it horizontally.

We don't normally see 110 here, but we could have several days of 100+
Anyone have any opinions on whether or not pumpkin is a natural de-wormer?  I've seen some debate. 

I didn't know this, Walnut.  Might have to look into it.  Dangerous for chickens, too.

  Good luck with your hatch. :)

Aflatoxins are toxic to horses, too. That's one reason why round bales left in the open are bad for horses, but safe for goats and cattle

I was thinking about harvesting a deer and it occurred to me there is little difference between the sheep sausage casings I buy and the fresh ones every deer provides. I may harvest those as well.
Anyone have any opinions on whether or not pumpkin is a natural de-wormer?  I've seen some debate. 

I didn't know this, Walnut.  Might have to look into it.  Dangerous for chickens, too.

  Good luck with your hatch. :)

X2 what Ron said... beneficial but does not actually kill off worms...

Well the clear plastic has defeated me. Even using the tricks that Ravyn suggested, it kept coming loose at the top, which defeated the whole purpose of putting it over the run. Plus it's two sheets and not one sheet, leaving opportunity for water to get in where they come together on top of the run, and it isn't very sturdy so I'm afraid it'll just all blow off in the first big snowstorm. Sigh. I guess I'll use it to cover the front of my other coop instead. Now I have to decide whether I want to shell out $40 for a nice clear tarp or just get a white one for half the price.

I forgot to add something else to that, Pyxis... a few long strands of a decently heavy gauge strung across the top in rows would help as well... would stop wind from catching the whole piece and cut down on the stress load from each tie down spot...
Aflatoxins are toxic to horses, too. That's one reason why round bales left in the open are bad for horses, but safe for goats and cattle

I was thinking about harvesting a deer and it occurred to me there is little difference between the sheep sausage casings I buy and the fresh ones every deer provides. I may harvest those as well.

lol... that many less to buy... but I wouldn't want to clean those out...
Day 14 Call eggs...


Shipped egg with saddle shaped air cell... not as big as it seems, lol...


Another shipped egg...


Waving webbed foot, lol...


Lady Greys egg...
Hi I have a problem and was told to come here. I have some shipped eggs and they have all hatched but one. It is malpositioned and externally pipped around 36 hours ago. It is moving but has not cheeped one time and I have been watching it closely. Its tapping and it moves around, but there is not any progress since the external pip.
I don't want it to get exhausted and die. I have been up all night rereading articles, but I still don't know what to do. The membrane is still white.
"When the O2 level goes down, and the CO2 level goes up, the chick actually gets a bit depleted on oxygen, which is a necessary factor to initiate the actual hatching process. When the chick becomes anoxic, she starts the thrusting movements that give her the ability to push with both feet at the same time instead of doing the reciprocal movement pattern that we associate with normal locomotion. Along with that thrust comes the pecking and rotation that allows the pip and zip. When we interfere we can actually do more harm than good. There are times when a chick may need help, but... unless you know exactly what you're doing, and when to do it, best to let hatching take it's sweet time. Sometimes 24 hours between internal pip and zip."

So I am thinking maybe this malpositioned chick did not internally pip and will never run out of o2 and I really just don't know what to do. I can't stay awake any more. I feel awful but I am going to bed I have an early start in....2hrs. Hope it is okay by then. It is so weird that it has never cheeped. Goodnight

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