She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

Hi I have a problem and was told to come here. I have some shipped eggs and they have all hatched but one. It is malpositioned and externally pipped around 36 hours ago. It is moving but has not cheeped one time and I have been watching it closely. Its tapping and it moves around, but there is not any progress since the external pip.
I don't want it to get exhausted and die. I have been up all night rereading articles, but I still don't know what to do. The membrane is still white.

I wish I could offer any help. I know very little as I am in the middle of my first successful hatch. I am sure someone will comment soon. Good luck.
Hi I have a problem and was told to come here. I have some shipped eggs and they have all hatched but one. It is malpositioned and externally pipped around 36 hours ago. It is moving but has not cheeped one time and I have been watching it closely. Its tapping and it moves around, but there is not any progress since the external pip.
I don't want it to get exhausted and die. I have been up all night rereading articles, but I still don't know what to do. The membrane is still white.

Congrats on those that hatched. Sorry no one was here to help you last night. Any progress??

A few questions, are you hatching chickens, ducks, something else? What kind of incubator, how have temps and humidity been? Still-air or fan?
I had a ducking that pipped 4 days early then woke up to this this morning.

one of the chicks wasn't being nice so I put the duckling in a make shift nest.

but this little one managed to get in to cuddle ♡
"When the O2 level goes down, and the CO2 level goes up, the chick actually gets a bit depleted on oxygen, which is a necessary factor to initiate the actual hatching process. When the chick becomes anoxic, she starts the thrusting movements that give her the ability to push with both feet at the same time instead of doing the reciprocal movement pattern that we associate with normal locomotion. Along with that thrust comes the pecking and rotation that allows the pip and zip. When we interfere we can actually do more harm than good. There are times when a chick may need help, but... unless you know exactly what you're doing, and when to do it, best to let hatching take it's sweet time. Sometimes 24 hours between internal pip and zip."

So I am thinking maybe this malpositioned chick did not internally pip and will never run out of o2 and I really just don't know what to do. I can't stay awake any more. I feel awful but I am going to bed I have an early start in....2hrs. Hope it is okay by then. It is so weird that it has never cheeped. Goodnight

Sorry none of the helpers have been around but if the chick is still in the egg and still moving now Google Sally sunshine assist hatching and follow the instructions. It shoul be definitely ready to come out of the shell.
So my egg turner isn't due to come out until tomorrow late morning and I have 3 that are now pipped. Should I completely remove the egg turner?


either the duck breed you have hatches early or the incubator was a bit too high.

They do not need to be turned at the end so the turner can come out.
OMC, how many others are in there? I probably would remove it now, it sounds like they are going to be a little early!

7 remaining and now 4 pips. If they all hatch today they will have hunting names since today is opening day for firearms.


either the duck breed you have hatches early or the incubator was a bit too high.

They do not need to be turned at the end so the turner can come out.

I have been watching the temp and it has been steady between 100.2 - 101. 6

They are a mix of Peking, Rouen & KC. The one that hatched this morning looks like a Rouen Khaki.

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