She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

That is awesome. I am so glad she had the intuition to pm someone before taking really STUPID advice.

This is why certain people should be removed. We've had a good thread here for a long time and advice like that will drive people away. It's sad that someone would put info/advice out there without a clue and jeopardize someone's hatchling.  

Unfortunately, it is part of the risks we take getting advice off the internet... and that wasn't happening on just your threads either... I think there's at least 20 or more dealing with the same issue... the most successful tactic I have seen is the main thread posters ignoring any of those posts...
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Unfortunately, it is part of the risks we take getting advice off the internet... and that wasn't happening on just your threads either... I think there's at least 20 or more dealing with the same issue... the most successful tactic I have seen is the main thread posters ignoring any of those posts...
True. It's sad though. I've been attempting to ignore, but sometimes it's just
. Pyxis did tell me it was being done on multiple threads.
Lol I come back and everyone is talking about me! At least it's good things :p

Oh, WalnutHill, I forgot to tell you, I looked for the standard for spitzs in my SOP and they're not in there. After research it turns out they are not yet accepted by the APA in the US. But you can see the British standard for them here:
Hey y'all,
Sorry I've been away so long...maybe long enough for everyone to forget me. My son's been having medical issues so I've been giving that my undivided attention...and I'm recovering from jaw surgery. I'm behind by 35k!
Hey y'all,
Sorry I've been away so long...maybe long enough for everyone to forget me. My son's been having medical issues so I've been giving that my undivided attention...and I'm recovering from jaw surgery. I'm behind by 35k!

Wow! Hope things are ok now...

And you missed more than that... :gig

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