She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

I was drinking longnecks all afternoon. Don't feel much like posting or thinking too much by this time of day. And before that was a 44 oz whisky and Coke to set the stage.

Calling it a night, my daughter made a breakfast request so I guess I ought to get up early. The days of cooking breakfast for my kids is almost over.
I will have to catch up tomorrow. Just wanted to leave this here. This Marans guy is coming right along.
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Hey guys sorry to chirp in on your thread but can someone help me out? Ive got a broody sitting on 5 polish eggs and we're on day 21, the broody bit doesn't matter so much as what or when would you expect to see anything? I'm thinking about candling tonight to see if they are even alive seen as I can't even hear chirping? Just wanted some advice on what stage you would candle to see viability? I candled day 15 and all were alive and moving.
Also I haven't gotten the days wrong, started counting 24 hours after they were set. I know this is an incubator thread but I thought you guys get to actually see eggs through the whole process so may be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks from a panicked first timer!
as long as she has been brooding well I think you should start seeing hatchlings soon. You can swiftly candle again if that concerned but not unusual for chicks to hatch on day 22 or 23 :)
Thank you, in in the UK so I'm not going to do anything for at least another 12 hours so its at least dark enough to candle, obviously I won't do anything if they do pip before hand. She's been great but I know that a few days ago she missed an egg or 2 behind her for a few hours so don't expect all to hatch but would be nice to have 1 or 2!
completely understandable. Wish you the best of luck. Others will be on in a few hours that probably can possibly add more tips. My experience with broodys has been positive and often staggered hatch rates :)
Thanks, its so difficult especially seen as its our first time with eggs so we are all really excited, I've got a 3 yr old thats desperate for some chicks to arrive but I think I may be more excited than anyone haha

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