She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

I turned off the incubator today. I really want to do eggtopsys but I don't think I can! I don't know why but every time I start to make a whole in the air cell I stop. I think I'm traumatized from the first & last time I did it and there was a live chick inside! AmyLynn, please come to my house and eggtopsy the eggs for me!! Come on, we're both in NY! ;)

I didn't eggtopsy mine either. I might when they are not shipped eggs so I could know if I had incubation issues vs. the unknown damage from shipping.

In other words, I didn't think it would help me diagnose problems since others hatched beautifully.
Have you water candled them? To make sure there's no more movement?

Yes, I did and I've been regularly candling. I finally did it on the one that I knew was dead for sure. I'd like to post a pic but I'm not sure what the proper edicate is for posting graphic pics, please tell me! The chick was fully formed and still had some yoke sac left unabsorbed. But there was this sticky, amber colored fluid all over it that filled up the inner membrane. And it didnt seem to have its eyes fully developed but I don't know what their eyes are supposed to look like before hatching. And there was so much sticky liquid it was hard to tell. What do you guys think?
@chickiedoodahs welcome! Dont feel like you interrupt. We get silly sometimes, but we're still here to help. Lots of knowledgeable folks here. I haven't had a broody yet, but I believe cppeace gave perfect advice. The waiting is the hardest, but so rewarding when the first little cutie pops out! Best of luck to you!! Sounds like you have done a fine job, so hang in there another couple of days. Post some pics when they hatch!
xs 2

I woke up to three more babies in the incubator!

I have three AM's so far and one BLRW. Waiting on seven more to hatch.
Yay!!!!! Congrats!!

Congrats!! I am so jealous!
Nothing from yours yet??

No idea if my picture will come up but that was when we candled at 15 days I think although it may have been earlier now that I'm thinking about it, maybe 13 days. Hopefully the pro hatchers will be able to tell me if it looked normal?

Thanks all for the warm welcome, helps when asking silly questions!
Welcome to the thread!! It looks good to me. If you haven't seen it yet this is a great thread for candling comparisons: I still use it as a guide. Not as often as in the beginning, but as a spot check through the incubation.

I turned off the incubator today. I really want to do eggtopsys but I don't think I can! I don't know why but every time I start to make a whole in the air cell I stop. I think I'm traumatized from the first & last time I did it and there was a live chick inside! AmyLynn, please come to my house and eggtopsy the eggs for me!! Come on, we're both in NY!
About 6 hours How about you bring them up here and I'll do

I didn't eggtopsy mine either. I might when they are not shipped eggs so I could know if I had incubation issues vs. the unknown damage from shipping.

In other words, I didn't think it would help me diagnose problems since others hatched beautifully.
I can have 30 hatchers and two that didn't and I still eggtopsy. I have to know. I have to see. I need to asses. A bit of it is curiosity as well since I mainy hatch mixes as to what they "would have been". Plus I need to know what I am giving up on is really truely gone.
Yes, I did and I've been regularly candling. I finally did it on the one that I knew was dead for sure. I'd like to post a pic but I'm not sure what the proper edicate is for posting graphic pics, please tell me! The chick was fully formed and still had some yoke sac left unabsorbed. But there was this sticky, amber colored fluid all over it that filled up the inner membrane. And it didnt seem to have its eyes fully developed but I don't know what their eyes are supposed to look like before hatching. And there was so much sticky liquid it was hard to tell. What do you guys think?
I believe you just put that there are graphic photos a ways before the photos.
Yes, I did and I've been regularly candling. I finally did it on the one that I knew was dead for sure. I'd like to post a pic but I'm not sure what the proper edicate is for posting graphic pics, please tell me! The chick was fully formed and still had some yoke sac left unabsorbed. But there was this sticky, amber colored fluid all over it that filled up the inner membrane. And it didnt seem to have its eyes fully developed but I don't know what their eyes are supposed to look like before hatching. And there was so much sticky liquid it was hard to tell. What do you guys think?

You can slip it in under the spoiler feature. That way it has to be clicked on to be seen in the body of the thread. (But will still show in pics.) Or put it in a thread with graphic pics titled in it.
I can have 30 hatchers and two that didn't and I still eggtopsy. I have to know. I have to see. I need to asses. A bit of it is curiosity as well since I mainy hatch mixes as to what they "would have been". Plus I need to know what I am giving up on is really truely gone.

I can see how that would give you "closure". Once I have my own eggs I'll probably eggtopsy, too.
I was drinking longnecks all afternoon. Don't feel much like posting or thinking too much by this time of day. And before that was a 44 oz whisky and Coke to set the stage.

Calling it a night, my daughter made a breakfast request so I guess I ought to get up early. The days of cooking breakfast for my kids is almost over.

sounds like the perfect day to me. don't get to do that much have to be on top of things all the time.

No idea if my picture will come up but that was when we candled at 15 days I think although it may have been earlier now that I'm thinking about it, maybe 13 days. Hopefully the pro hatchers will be able to tell me if it looked normal?

Thanks all for the warm welcome, helps when asking silly questions!

looks right on track to me good thing its a lite colored egg if you candle do the top I have a broodie hatching this morning. welcome to the thread there is a lot of good advice here . larger breeds take a little longer .My EEs start hatch at 20 days while My BCM start at 21 most of the time .this broodie left the nest for one she liked better two times I just moved the eggs both times to the new nest. don't know how long she was off the eggs either time. good luck with your hatch
Thanks everyone, I've been reading the thread for the past few weeks (I'm addicted to byc and all things chicken) I'm going to candle tonight and hope that there is life inside although I'm not completely sure what I will see seen as it should all be chick? Oh and seen as they are supposed to be in lock down do I keep them in exactly the same position I pick them up from? Part of me doesn't want to candle incase I make things worse but I'm struggling not to go put my ear against the nest box every few hours!

All things being well I will post pics of chicks very soon :D

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