She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

This is a spoiler: Not so graphic pics:
And there's your spoiler.
I've seen you do this on other threads. Is it a BYC feature? I'll get on the desktop and see if I can figure it out. Also, I did another egg and it looks like it died on day 17ish. I don't know why but it made me feel better! I guess like you said closure.
Thanks everyone, I've been reading the thread for the past few weeks (I'm addicted to byc and all things chicken) I'm going to candle tonight and hope that there is life inside although I'm not completely sure what I will see seen as it should all be chick? Oh and seen as they are supposed to be in lock down do I keep them in exactly the same position I pick them up from? Part of me doesn't want to candle incase I make things worse but I'm struggling not to go put my ear against the nest box every few hours! All things being well I will post pics of chicks very soon :D
Trust me, if you use an incubator your face is glued to the window! So checking the nest box every 5 minutes would be totally normal! Just some advice on candling that far along, that helped me...was to shine the light into the air cell and just look for movement right around the base of the air cell. There won't be much to see throughout the egg because it will be filled with chick. But there's a small space where the inner membrane and air cell meet that you can sometimes see a little movement.
I woke up to three more babies in the incubator!

I have three AM's so far and one BLRW. Waiting on seven more to hatch.
No idea how to do that quote thing but thanks rubynala. I even took my phone out and played a bit of the chick peppig vid from YouTube to see if I could hear any peeping back but mainly had confused chickens by my feet trying to see what I was doing lol and the broody gentle clucking so then freaked out that I was confusing her more! Decided to take a break from being out in the garden because I couldn't stop myself from going back to the coop. Oh who knew that this hatching stuff was so stressful! I'm just going to sit on my hands for a bit but may need to press my ear against the coop before dinner haha
I've seen you do this on other threads. Is it a BYC feature? I'll get on the desktop and see if I can figure it out. Also, I did another egg and it looks like it died on day 17ish. I don't know why but it made me feel better! I guess like you said closure.
Trust me, if you use an incubator your face is glued to the window! So checking the nest box every 5 minutes would be totally normal! Just some advice on candling that far along, that helped me...was to shine the light into the air cell and just look for movement right around the base of the air cell. There won't be much to see throughout the egg because it will be filled with chick. But there's a small space where the inner membrane and air cell meet that you can sometimes see a little movement.
On the desktop-up where all the fonts and such are there's a box with quotes, paper clip, and a "speach bubble" if you click the speech bubble thingy it'll open the spoiler box. Click accept and it will put a little pink line in the text body. Make sure your cursor is on the pink line and go up and click the picture icon and upload pics as normal and it will put them in the spoiler box.

No idea how to do that quote thing but thanks rubynala. I even took my phone out and played a bit of the chick peppig vid from YouTube to see if I could hear any peeping back but mainly had confused chickens by my feet trying to see what I was doing lol and the broody gentle clucking so then freaked out that I was confusing her more! Decided to take a break from being out in the garden because I couldn't stop myself from going back to the coop. Oh who knew that this hatching stuff was so stressful! I'm just going to sit on my hands for a bit but may need to press my ear against the coop before dinner haha
It can be
Hey guys sorry to chirp in on your thread but can someone help me out? Ive got a broody sitting on 5 polish eggs and we're on day 21, the broody bit doesn't matter so much as what or when would you expect to see anything? I'm thinking about candling tonight to see if they are even alive seen as I can't even hear chirping? Just wanted some advice on what stage you would candle to see viability? I candled day 15 and all were alive and moving.
Also I haven't gotten the days wrong, started counting 24 hours after they were set. I know this is an incubator thread but I thought you guys get to actually see eggs through the whole process so may be able to point me in the right direction. Thanks from a panicked first timer!
Welcome to the thread. I've read the other posts, and I agree with everyone. Hard to beat a broody for hatching. The only thing I would add is are you sure it's day 21? Day 21 would be the same day of the week she started sitting. It's a little tougher to count with broodies, too, because they might not be as dedicated the first few days. Hopefully you will get some action soon :thumbsup
I can't find the post again, but I know Amy asked how my hatch was going. Still nothing except I did see a couple polish eggs bobble and I think the blob egg did too. Or maybe I made it happen in my mind lol.
Staying home to do housework today so I'm sure I will be watching the bator like a hawk.

And technically, I'm only on day 19, as I didn't set the eggs until 8:30 pm Monday.
I can't find the post again, but I know Amy asked how my hatch was going. Still nothing except I did see a couple polish eggs bobble and I think the blob egg did too. Or maybe I made it happen in my mind lol.
Staying home to do housework today so I'm sure I will be watching the bator like a hawk.

And technically, I'm only on day 19, as I didn't set the eggs until 8:30 pm Monday.

That's the time of night I usually set my eggs and I have to keep reminding myself of it towards the end! You should start getting pips soon! I definately think by the time you wake up tomorrow morning! I hope your blob baby hatches!! Update as soon as you get action. Is the incubator holding up on its own or do you still have the light shining on it?
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Sc- yes I'm sure it's day 21 but I think because I set them late in the evening that maybe it's not day 21 till this evening if you get me so maybe I'm a little ahead of my eggs timing, I'm a complete sucker though and went to check again but broody had gone for a quick break so I candled 1 egg and the beak was definately in the air sac so I've decided that she's obviously doing a fine job without me so ill leave her be tonight and decide to candle tomorrow if no progression.

I'm like a small child a Xmas so waiting for OH to come home from work to stop me lol

How big was the air sac supposed to be this late in the game? It seemed huge almost too big but was on a lovely slant like the diagrams but surely the chicks will be tiny? They are polish eggs of 2 different colours that I picked up from a friend because I don't have a rooster (yet). I couldn't take a picture because I was using my phone to candle but must of been about 1/3 of the egg if a little less.
That's the time of night I usually set my eggs and I have to keep reminding myself of it towards the end! You should start getting pips soon! I definately think by the time you wake up tomorrow morning! I hope your blob baby hatches!! Update as soon as you get action. Is the incubator holding up on its own or do you still have the light shining on it?

I like setting in the morning, so I don't get so confused! lol And yes, this will be my first stop when any action happens! Temp and humidity holding up fine without the heat lamp too. Fingers crossed it hold for just a few more days.

Sc- yes I'm sure it's day 21 but I think because I set them late in the evening that maybe it's not day 21 till this evening if you get me so maybe I'm a little ahead of my eggs timing, I'm a complete sucker though and went to check again but broody had gone for a quick break so I candled 1 egg and the beak was definately in the air sac so I've decided that she's obviously doing a fine job without me so ill leave her be tonight and decide to candle tomorrow if no progression.

I'm like a small child a Xmas so waiting for OH to come home from work to stop me lol

How big was the air sac supposed to be this late in the game? It seemed huge almost too big but was on a lovely slant like the diagrams but surely the chicks will be tiny? They are polish eggs of 2 different colours that I picked up from a friend because I don't have a rooster (yet). I couldn't take a picture because I was using my phone to candle but must of been about 1/3 of the egg if a little less.

Sounds perfect! (I also feel like a kid at Christmas!)

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