She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one! need some new material.

Now that's what I can't stand...stinging insects. Especially scorpions.

Now I would have enjoyed the sight, but not at the expense of you getting stung.
On the new material, I will admit that I stole them all from the same silly site. If you want some really funny ones, I can PM you

It would have been worth the expense of me being stung. I'm a big ol' boy, so the hurt went away by lunch, so I would do it again for the video. It wouldn't be nearly as funny without the element of surprise, though
I got hit by 4 wasps getting into my truck the Tuesday after the 4th. They had been making a nest right over my driver's side door, and I didn't see it. I bumped it with my hat getting in, and two fell down the back of my shirt, one fell on my shoulder, and the other landed on my arm. I think one said "Go!" and they all stung me at the same time. My wife said she was looking out the window when I came tearing back across the yard, flinging my hat and ripping off my shirt. It took me 15 minutes to find my keys

Just spelling- lol No, I admit my spelling But half the time it's the typing that is the problem. Seriously, ever since I got the new laptop, it's like I can't type at all. As for FB, you can go there, I just have a very strong I'm very opinionated and ain't afraid to

Ok, mice are cute and spiders are Lots of people don't like mice. I'll have to go dig up a pic of the rat my son had. Unfortunetly he died last August.... He was such a sweety.
I like them all. Can't think of a critter I don't like. Except bees maybe.

250 lb redneck running, stripping, flailing his arms, and screaming like a girl? I would have 1 million hits on youtube
Besides the redneck part it sounds like a rerun of the Kardashians.

So I just moved my eggs from standing to laying with their x's and o's. And I candled them just to see and it looks like for day 5 I have about 6 or 7 growing out of 13. Not happy.
SC beat me to it, but maybe day 10 will hold more promise.
On the new material, I will admit that I stole them all from the same silly site. If you want some really funny ones, I can PM you :gig

It would have been worth the expense of me being stung. I'm a big ol' boy, so the hurt went away by lunch, so I would do it again for the video. It wouldn't be nearly as funny without the element of surprise, though :lau

alright. I want to see the video posted by tomorrow evening. That's your deadline. And I want to know some of the other funny ones to!

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