She said/He said Who's right? Who's wrong? No one!

I love Google Images

We all know you do! !!!! Lol! !!

Seriously. Lol! Meant to be!

MMM I'll be right there!  I just grilled some homegrown chicken and have a nice pot of fresh cream of broccoli soup on.  Gotta run and eat!

That sounds yummy! !!
I just looked out on my chicks, out grazing in the yard (both sets lol) and my turkey was over the fence in the duck pen! I think they were scared to death of her, hiding behind a tree! Lol I guess she flew over the fence, then was walking around trying to get back out. I went to the rescue! Haha

That is hilarious. I can only imagine what it looked like.

 I'm really starting to wonder if you people just like making me hungry all the time to torture me I'm not very stable you know.:mad:

We just like food. Gosh!
Well we're finally home.

Had fun with the kids and at the Rockies game. Appreciate DH letting us take the 5 5-week old chicks with us in a dog crate because I couldn't find a chicken-sitter. (They spent the weekend in the garage, 3 year old grandson got a kick out of them.) Listening to them peep for 6 hours got a little old though.

Chicks are now out in the shed with the other chickens - well, separated by mesh for their safety. Glad to see the big ones survived our absence, too. But I am very glad to finally have no chicks in the house!

I need to go back and catch up somewhat.....So how'd that day 1 candling go SC?

Got a new recipe this weekend for buffalo chicken dip. Will post it tomorrow from the big computer where I can copy and paste. Its so yummy!
Well we're finally home.

Had fun with the kids and at the Rockies game.  Appreciate DH letting us take the 5 5-week old chicks with us in a dog crate because I couldn't find a chicken-sitter.  (They spent the weekend in the garage, 3 year old grandson got a kick out of them.) Listening to them peep for 6 hours got a little old though.

Chicks are now out in the shed with the other chickens - well, separated by mesh for their safety.  Glad to see the big ones survived our absence, too.  But I am very glad to finally have no chicks in the house!

I need to go back and catch up somewhat.....So how'd that day 1 candling go SC?

Haha that sounds like one interesting trip! Glad you had fun!
Quote: Guys, I hope y'all know i was completely kidding. Just picking on you folks. No hard feelings?
I would almost pay to see that.... lmao...

I would drive to SC to see that but I know It ain't gonna happen. So Amy as I've been buzzing through ran across one of your post about this being family friendly thread and what I'd would like to know is what kind of family that would be . for a week or more I've been getting side ads to hook up with women for lets just say trash talk. you know like those 900 numbers I know the BYC gets funds by advertising but was a little shocked to see these ads .on a family friendly thread. But we need not forget this is still the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and while I might not like what someone says I respect their right to say it as long as it is not vulgar .you can't stop people from being rude or insulting. a person who stoops to this hasn't learned to walk upright yet so we must forgive them. once fully evolved they might look back and see they were wrong about many things or maybe not at that time you cull and move on . I have rules simple rules no one is allowed to talk down to me. only one person as a signed contract to yell at me and no one cheats me out of money more than once. and there has only been a few of those. see you can talk about grown up stuff on here.
Awesome!!!! It goes by fast....try and keep up. What kind of incubator do you use?

Currently I'm using my broody hens. I came to this thread to decide which way I would go with the incubator.

:welcome  even if you catch up you will still be  behind .It's a constant chase. kinda like a dog chasing it's tail you never quit get get close just can't catch up to it.

I never thought of myself as having a steep learning curve, but trying to start from the beginning was definitely a losing battle. Can someone give me the highlights?

Just jump right in, I can't even read this whole thread and I wrote half of it :gig

You sir are quite the Chatty Cathy :gig I do appreciate sarcasm so you "novel" was a good read

On second thought, read a few more pages. You are right at the parade. That was when everybody loved everybody.
It was all downhill after that :lau

I didn't make it far enough apparently. Any idea how far back the parade was? Curiosity is killing me

Better let him out before he calls his friends :gig
this gave me the jeebies!
I have tried to climb a tile wall to get away from a roach. Not my finest moment.

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