She was laying and then she stopped!


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2017
Central Virginia
So my chickens have reached the egg laying age. The eggs are small, but that's to be expected. Our first two layers were the older two hens, a Plymouth and a Barred Rock. The Barred Rock has since ceased egg laying (it's obvious she has since she's the only producer of blue eggs, other two hens are NHR and Austro). I've searched all over the run and cannot find her eggs anywhere! If she is still laying she's very good at hiding. It's been a few weeks now that this has been the case.

Is it common for new layers to start and then stop for a while?
Barred rocks lay brown eggs, so yours isn't a rock if it's laying blue eggs. It's very common for all hens to take breaks. Many lay for a few weeks than stop for a few weeks, it's normal.
You're right, she's an Americauana. I don't know why I said Barred other than she looks like one...

Glad to hear that start/stop is ok. I was at first worried she was holding the eggs (roosters were getting aggressive, but all but one has been butchered at this point). But then I found out she'd have died a few weeks ago if that were the case.

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