Shook- Golden Comet Pullets any advice on either?


11 Years
Jul 8, 2008
North Carolina
My husband and I want some hardy brown egg layers. Had rather not wait 5 months for them to start laying and see Shook has 18 week old pullets for $6.50 each. We are considering Golden Comets because we have been told this is a breed that does not usually go broody and lays big brown eggs at an early age.

Was hoping someone has either used Shook had golden comets or both.. Any comments would be welcomed.


They're debeaked. Many times I've looked at Shook's when I could have used more layers for my egg business. I've even called and talked to them. But I've never bought from them because of the debeaking. It's a practice I simply dislike. They're also given about 8 vaccines - overkill. I don't like that either.
I don't know anything about Shooks (although after the last response, I doubt I'd do business with them either), but I have had Golden Comets and they're terrific. I still have one old gal who lays regularly. GC eggs are a bit larger than those of my Barred Rocks, and they're equally hardy. Mine lay all winter, without artificial lights or heat, and we're in Western New York where it gets cold and snowy from November 'til April. Because they're crossbreeds, I don't raise GCs, but would have no hesitation to recommend them for a laying operation.
I guess it is to late because we already paid for them and arranged pickup. I know I have never vacinated or debeaked before. I guess I will see how it turns out. I will let everyone know.

Hope it works out for you. I'd be interested in hearing how they do. I'd also like to know if their beaks grow back. I understand if debeaked at a younger age, they will grow back. I'm curious if that might be the case with the Shook pullets.

I vaccinate only for Mareks. It's too prevalent to go without the vac, I just don't feel all the others are necessary. (At least not in this area, and not for non-show backyard birds.)
We have two Production Red hens that we were given at about 16 weeks old, debeaked. They do not grow back and just do not look as "nice" as our other girls. Sweet girls and do lay regularly.

I will post picrtures when we get them. We are picking them up May 22nd. We do have a coop we can use which will keep them out of the population that has not been debeaked. It will be interesting to see how they do,.

Thanks Susan. I'd really like to know how they do. I might consider "rescuing" some of them the next time our egg business outgrows our layers.

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