Should 8 month old Delaware's be Molting?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 30, 2014
Thurmont, Maryland
I have a flock of 50 layers, new this year. We have Delawares, Ameraucanas, and Marans. 3 of our Delawares have started to molt at around 8 months. I have checked them out pretty well and they don't seem to have any bugs of any sort, just looks like a normal molt, but a year early! Any ideas?
I haven't had Delawares but some breeds do molt their first autumn if hatched early in the year. And if it's only 3 of them that may not be out of the ordinary.
The breed I raise normally molt their first autumn if hatched in winter or early spring.
I don't have Delawares, but I've had many first year pullets molt. It's generally not a heavy molt and doesn't last too long. I have some pullets that hatched on Easter molting now.

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