Should I help this chick hatch or it is ok?

Wow! A moment of silence for Lil Man :) I don't think we went 24 hours without a post since this thread started! :)

My last egg hatched a couple of days ago and I have a tiny silvery-blue baby Marans :) 3 "newer" eggs were apparently laid in that same nesting box so they arent quite as far along in development as the others that have hatched. Its been a few days since candling them so I may do that today or tomorrow and see how theyre coming along :)

I've been busy with combating upper respiratory system infections. I didn't really have any early signs.. just one day they would be eating and drinking and mingling just fine then down almost lethargic laying on its side allowing the others to just walk all over them and not even flinch. I lost one from a different hatch about 3 weeks ago now in the same way so when these started acting that way I knew I had a problem. I was giving one of them that had started laying on its side during the night some duramycin via syringe when I head a "popping" sound. I immediately thought, congestion. So I put that baby on Tylan and its been hanging in there for a few days now. Its separated so it doesnt get smothered or trampled on anymore and has a good place to recover. Then last night I checked on them about 2am and they were all sleeping.. In the 1 pen with my 2 turkeys I have my oldest chicks with them. I observed them shaking their heads and even sneezing while they were trying to sleep. I think I may have also heard some wheezing.. This morning my husband and I gave all of those a dose of Tylan including the 2 turkeys. In both pens, we have them drinking duramycin in their water. Later today we are going to give the other pen (the chick pen) some Tylan as well because there are popping sounds coming from their area.

We used Tylan last fall when some of our hens were getting sick and it really helped them. This time we are giving it to chicks and I just hope they snap out of it as well. My youngest is just 2 days old but I cant find anywhere that says it can not be given to chicks so we are just giving that 1 sick chick 1 drop via syringe once a day. Thats probably what we will give all of them starting today and just hope for the best. Although I've heard the popping sounds coming from their pen no one else has been laying down in that position so I am hoping we can just knock this out.

I love my babies and dont want to lose them. I imagine it feels like the flu to them and that just isnt fun :-/ I'm doing everything I can think of to help them and can only hope for the best. Ya'll send happy thoughts this way!!
Good luck with this respiratory thingie. Just remember to give those babies some Probiotics (we prefer to feed the product, Probios instead of yogurt) since they are already low on gut flora when their are born. Having good bacteria in the gut is actually the secret to staying healthy (for all beings).

Are they getting electrolytes in their water too? Do whatever you can give them to bolster their immune systems. A little grape seed extract in their water along with ACV will help.
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when a chick is zipped and put back into the incubator do you have the top vent open for air supply? my chicks head is out but still not out of shell. zipped it and put it back. wondering if i should open the air vent or not.
hey guys this is kinda the same my egg has piped around the air sack and has made a circle around it and has cracked it open a little bit and it is leaking yellow stuff. what do i do please help FYI today 10\20\2012 is its hatching day please help
For me helping baby Chicks hatch is a gift. I have always kept a chick alive when helping them. I suggest that you should take the egg, and chip off the shell. Do not take the membrane OR the dired part off. THEY WILL BLEED TO DEATH. Little blood spots are fine, but if you notice sever bleeding stop. Dont not do this, it may be a slow hatcher. Put some water on the chick, only a bit though. Never get water on or around the chicks face. Leave him be, and if this continues try me process. DO NOT JUMP THE GUN!

Im sorry if your chick dies. May his young heart go else where.
We are in our 2nd round of incubating and hatching. The first time only 3 out of 20 eggs survived. All the rest of the eggs had full term chicks but they never hatched??? This time we are on day 22. Three have pipped, one hatched and didn't make it. I have been reading all the blogs and info sites I can get a hold of, and after 25 hours, helped the chick by removing the shell leaving the membrane and moistening it but the chick died??? What are we doing wrong? The humidity is right and so is the temp???
How did you deal with the veins? I have a shrink wrapped baby and have pulled the membrane back from the beak so that it can breathe. But I am not sure when to start unwrapping the membrane as I don't want to cause it to bleed to death. It looked much like your picture with the veins that I would think still need to be absorbed. But the chick clearly can't move around to free itself.

Thanks for your help!!!
I love this thread!! This is the first thorough and helpful incubator thread I've found!! I am incubating right now and have three hatching and three that aren't doing anything. I can't tell if any of the three are moving, I hear no peeping from them. They look solid and full grown but last I checked it looked like none had moved into the air sack. I don't really know how to tell if they have pipped the air sack or not. Hatch due date was last night.

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