Should I help this chick hatch or it is ok?

a dozen! if i hadnt intervened though i'd only have three :-/ only 3 hatched out themselves and werent shrink wrapped.. ill have to go count whats left. i think 10.
I am thankful to be following this forum but it has also added a bit to my worries. I never opened any of the babies that didn't hatch on my last try to see what was going on. On the 18th day I candled and saw movement in all. Only 5 of 27 pipped and 4 survived.

Because I felt the humidity was too high possibly I have kept my last few days low. (I now have a hygrometer) I am having to be gone for 8-9 hours a day this week and may not be here when they actually pip so I am slowing increasing the humidity. It was about 58% earlier so I am getting there. Atleast I will know that it was sufficient to keep them from drying out after pipping. If it has been too high for the most part it will be a lesson learned. Hubby tells me that regardless of the outcome I am to start collecting eggs tomorrow to try again. (He knows how much I want to hatch babies and how much I have been putting into this and won't let me give up. He also knows it will break my heart if I don't hatch any babies.)

I am so happy for your outcome! I couldn't wait to get home today to see my eggs and catch up on your journey!
it's better to have lower humidity during incubation then bump it up high for lockdown..
if the humidity is too high during incubation it can lead to drowning issues when the chicks pip internally..
the reason for higher humidity during lockdown and hatch is to insure that the membrane remains moist so the chicks can hatch easily
Do you think my problem happened under the hens? I'm starting to think it might not be my humidity issue at all.. or it could be a bit of both!

That makes me feel great that you had to hurry home to catch up on my progress! I surely appreciate all of you guys support and advice! I had NO CLUE how to help babies hatch properly but now I know I can help them :) And thats 100% thanks to this forum and for the very specific instructions! I'm brand new to hatching eggs!

BTW: Yinepu, remember those 2 eggs I was so concerned about because they hadnt rocked in 2 days? Well I picked them up and one of them had pipped internally! its moving ALOT inside that lil shell and peeping too! The other one hasnt yet.

Think I should candle the rest again?
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I have like 30 chicks in my bathroom (i call it my brooder room case its a sauna in there and thats where all my little ones are) Oh, and 2 little turkeys :) everytime a new baby chick enters the brooder pen, one of my turkey babies walks over to them and pecks at the ground to show them how to eat. he is amazing! i know its a tom cas even though he probably doesnt stand even 6 inches tall, ive already seen him prance around in a full blown strut :) he just doesnt look real lol
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