Should I help this chick hatch or it is ok?

I guess that means this isnt usually how these threads are done huh! I was just desperate for answers and for help with what I needed to do to save my chick babies! Things just keep coming up!! This is one DRAMA filled hatch i tell ya!!
wooooohooooo! guess who has a brand new pipper!!

who wants to bet the membrane is gonna be white!! im gonna give it a bit and see if by some miracle it just might be a zipper! :)
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I'll take that bet.
There are two membranes.
The outer membrane against the shell is always white.
The inner membrane against the chick is clear and if it dries out turns brown.
Glad to hear your hatch is going well.
Congrats on your little ones.
My eggs (all except the 3 that hatched on their own..) look like the last one that was having trouble that i posted a picture of. I haven't seen a brown membrane except on the dead chick in the bad egg we opened up earlier. Except for those 3 zippers that hatched on their own, all of them, once they pip have a rubbery dried out white membrane under the shell. Once I start removing the egg shell and outer membrane that became separated from the membrane closest to the chick, they are always shrunk down tight over the chick and dried out and white as chalk. most of the time it goes clear again when i put warm water over it with a q-tip but 2 of the last 3 i helped last wouldnt change back to clear with water and stayed white. The 3rd one I helped tonight was sort of like gasping when i opened it up and not just breathing like normal. He was very very weak when he finally emerged from his shell. I actually was afraid he might die on me because he wouldnt use 1 leg and couldnt lift his head at all. I just snuggled him up to the other 2 and over the last cpl hours he is starting to gain some strength back. It took him a long time but he is holding his head up fine now and is hopping like the others. He was so limp I was afraid he had broken his neck at first :-(
there are two kids of white though.. white and thin is ok.. white and thick/tough isn't.. which is what she's been running into a lot... especially with the inner membrane.. she did have a few chicks that had normal membranes and they hatched on their own.. the others were in various forms / stages of shrink wrapping .. which is why she's had to help them hatch.. even if she inadvertently helped a chick who didn't need it.. she didn't do them any harm since she followed the same steps she would have needed to use to help a bad hatch..

the OP's humidity has been wonky throughout.. we still dont know for sure if all this started under the broody, right after she moved them to her incubator.. or after that when her humidity was reading as extremely high but all chicks were shrink wrapped... she did have another broody hen who lost her entire clutch.. so it's really hard to pinpoint just where things started to go wrong.. had the other broody had a perfect hatch I would definitely say it was an error in the incubator.. but since the other hen had so many issues it does muddle things up a bit... either way I still think her hygrometer was / is off by a good bit

in the late 70's I actually assisted an entire clutch for a relative who insisted that she DID NOT want to lose a single chick since she had paid a high price for some parrot eggs.. I tried to explain to her that they were fine on their own.. but she insisted that she couldn't afford to lose a single chick since she had spent well over 500. on the eggs .. so to keep peace in the family i pipped each and every egg for her and assisted every one .. she had 0 losses and ended up with very healthy lively babies.. for her they were a cash investment since she had planned to sell each baby for a hefty price (which she did).. it's NOT something I would recommend and also NOT something I would ever do again!
make sure you get some warm sugar water into him as soon as he's up and drinking.. and keep an eye on him for the next week or so

Hi there!

He's (well, i call it a he lol) is just like all my other chicks now. He's up and about and drank some water when i showed it to them. I just saw your post though so do i still need to do the sugar water thing? if so how much sugar to how much water?

I'm gonna have to take a picture of all my babies sometime today! count is at 13 now... i had to assist another chick and at first i thought i made a HUGE mistake! It had pipped externally (or so i thought...) when really it just broke the shell but didnt actually puncture the outer membrane. This baby was a loud peeper and i had seen it rockin for a cpl days so I was expecting that pip. I actually waited a good while before interfering, hoping i'd have a zipper and not have to mess with it! And I actually thought I got my wish cas he broke the shell in two places! Wouldnt that have been nice!! Anyways, I peeled back the shell pieces and no pip but membrane was white and hard like the others so I went ahead a made a tiny hole where the pip would have been according to the cracked area on the egg. Well I started peeling back the shell and outer membrane like i had been for the others only to have this face staring back at me! I took a picture.. I'll post it in a sec. I didn't know they could peep so loudly and not have internally pipped either!!! It actually made me sick to my stomach.. I really felt like I was gonna throw up... NOW what! I honestly felt like I just couldnt do it.. like this was just more than I could handle.. one too many type deal.. The inner membrane was around the chick although not as bad as it had been with the others. I also hadnt left it in the incubator as long as i had the others. It wasn't all chalky white yet just really shriveled. Anyways so there is this face staring at me and a beak up against the membrane. It just isnt normal to see something like that.. like something is suffocating.. you know.. its entire face covered and everything. So where its beak was pressed up against the inner membrane i made a tiny hole. it immediately stuck its beak thru and actually had its mouth open and tongue out! So I finally got my bearings and got over the shock and just continued to do what I had been doing. I let it hatch out on its own and it took about 3 hours. I constantly kept the membrane moist with warm water... and the whole deal. but I had never heard of a baby chick without its wing over its face? It was just bazarre. Anyways, its about to separate from the shell now.. its still attached a little bit. When it fluffs up I want to take a good look at that wing... it was in the worst position inside that egg! Hopefully its a normal wing.

Here's my horror pic!

larger pic here:

is after i pipped the inner membrane:

larger pic here:

this is him now: (still attached to his shell) (not shrink wrapped)

larger pic here:

know what? he doesnt seem to be absorbing all that stuff and the abdomen closing up like the others did after they hatched.. Is something wrong?

So... after yet another night of no sleep.. yyaawwwwwnnn ... I go check the incubator and whalah! another chick is peeping! my little girl is only gonna sleep for like another hour or so and thats my only chance for any rest.. so I'm gonna set up the baby monitor by the incubator again so I can hear it if it starts hatching. Man its been a long 4 or 5 days!!!!!!!! I'm exhausted!! And I apologize if this post makes no sense lol... i probably make no sense right now anyways about anything lol... i will update as soon as i have something! i never did candle because as soon as i went in there to do it i saw that last egg had a crack in it so i spent all of my time with it...

Have any of you seen a chick inside an egg like he was? If there is something I need to do for him because of the abdomen not closing up like they usually do.. pls let me know. It also looks like there are still active veins on the inside of the shell. This chick didnt even bleed once thru the hatching and everything but there is a vein from him to the shell that still that worries me.. It's not good is it... I did make a mistake huh..
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ok.. first.. go back and edit your post to remove your phone number

you didnt make a mistake with the chick...
for parrots.. in my experience.. if they dont have the wing placed over their head there is usually something wrong with the chick.. I never really bothered to make a note if every chicken chick that I have assisted has had their wing in place or not..
it won't let me view the last pic as a large pic for some reason.. when i click the link it says there's nothing there... and the other two pics are a little blurry... but yeah.. a chick will usually have it's wing up over it's head.. it's quite possible that this one is defective.. in which case (i know this sounds mean) if it dies it was meant to do so.. however it could also just be really slow.. for now I would just keep it warm and let nature take it's course.. you can't do much if it is defective.. and if it's just slow it will finish up on it's own.. and unfortunately you can't do much about the belly not closing up.. just keep him away from the others so they don't peck at him and hope for the best

for the water.. make sure it's "baby warm".. around 98 degrees (you can test it on your wrist to make sure it's not too hot).. 1 tablespoon of sugar per quart of warm water... it won't hurt the older chicks to get this for a day and it will help boost any of the weaker chicks or any that arent eating as well as they should
I learn something new from you every day yinepu!

I got about 2 hours of sleep! :)

Just went to check on my newest one and while his lil abdomen still hasnt closed up, it does look like more of it has been adsorbed. Also that blood vessel thats still connecting him to the egg shell look a bit less full and intimidating.. I had to clean it up a bit because some of the cotton fibers from the rag I had him sleeping on was stuck to the sac. I also took some pictures for you.. Im going to try to embed them larger so maybe you wont have to go to the link all the time.. hope it works!

This is whats still hanging out of him.. see the veins on it and inside the shell? :-/

Here are a few pictures of what left connecting him to his shell...


And there's that vein...

whats that yellowish stuff thats still connecting him too? Yolk or something?

I know he might die. And I also know unfortunately that you cant always save them all.. but I'm rootin for the little guy.. now he has a bacteria risk to add to all thats stacked up against him cause it is just hanging there.. *sigh*
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