Should I help this chick hatch or it is ok?

Man I have had my work cut out for me with this hatch huh!

I think I've pretty much turned this thread into a very educational blog lol
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he's got a 50/50 chance of absorbing that.. i would be more worried about bacteria.. I have seen a few chicks in the past that never absorbed ALL of their yolk,... their bellies did close up and the last bit dried up kinda like a scab and eventually fell off..
the veins look fine.. they should dry up so they arent a worry as far as I am concerned

the yellowish thing looks to me to be the umbilical.. it should dry and break. (if it doesnt break when it dries you may need to snip it with sterile scissors)... so it's not a worry either.. but the rest that hasnt been absorbed is a concern.. all you can do is keep him warm for now and play the waiting game
this is the murphy's law hatch.. lol.. actually a lot of hatches go bad.. we see it every day on the board... the difference is you were stubborn enough to go in and try to save them.. look at how many people set dozens of eggs and only have a couple hatch and the rest die in the shell.. you would have been one of them if you hadnt been so hard headed and stubborn! .. lol
I wish there was some sort of ointment i could put on it that would keep it safe from germs. After all that I'd hate for bacteria to end his brand new life!!! I wanted to wrap a band-aid over it to atleast keep debris from getting on it but im not sure thats a good idea either.. drs always say air is better than bandages.. :-/
this is the murphy's law hatch.. lol.. actually a lot of hatches go bad.. we see it every day on the board... the difference is you were stubborn enough to go in and try to save them.. look at how many people set dozens of eggs and only have a couple hatch and the rest die in the shell.. you would have been one of them if you hadnt been so hard headed and stubborn! .. lol

I know! That I am!!

But I'm proud of me!
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yeah.. it's better to let the air get to it and let it dry out if he won't absorb it

for something like that that is being absorbed into the body.. considering it's size compared to the size of the chick.. i would be worried about toxicity issues with any kind of ointment..

you COULD experiment and see what happens.. then if he doesn't make it it would be another learning experience.. or you could sit back and play the waiting game.. it's your call
this is the murphy's law hatch.. lol.. actually a lot of hatches go bad.. we see it every day on the board... the difference is you were stubborn enough to go in and try to save them.. look at how many people set dozens of eggs and only have a couple hatch and the rest die in the shell.. you would have been one of them if you hadnt been so hard headed and stubborn! .. lol

I know! That I am!!

But I'm proud of me!

lol.. and you should be!
I SOOOOO want to put a triple antibiotic ointment all over it but i cant imagine it would be safe. Then again when you put neosporin on a cut it gets inside the body.. but its not exactly the same... gosh i just dont know..

Would it even kill bacteria?
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I SOOOOO want to put a triple antibiotic ointment all over it but i cant imagine it would be safe. Then again when you put neosporin on a cut it gets inside the body.. but its not exactly the same... gosh i just dont know..

Would it even kill bacteria?

one way to find out...
just think of it this way.. if you do nothing it could still die...
So...would you rather say you tried and failed... or that you stood by and did nothing ?.. your call cause it's your chick

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