Should I relocate this predator?

I have a couple of those type of predators. They are also known to crawl in your bed at night just so you won't be able to sleep, put change in car CD players which costs alot of money to replace, and fight at a volume that would put a dozen roosters to shame. Their most disarming trait is coming up behind you, giving you a hug and saying "I love you Mommy".
My predator scratches the car paint with side walk chalk with a message for ME "I Luv U", put an un cracked fresh egg in the microwave which subsequently exploded, and even put LIP stick on the chickens.
DH wants to make MORE predators
possibly start a wildlife refuge!!
Even though these household pests will sometimes throw a crayon in the washer with your dress shirts, I'm glad you didn't say "Negative Population Growth".
Oh yes!! They don't even like when they subject comes up because they can't get their Mother to shut up after that. Actually, the boy isn't coming around right now because he's afraid I'm going to talk to him about it.

Yes, all the girls know that's not ok until their at least 40 and this is the reaction I get from them.
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