Should I risk free ranging?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Rio Rico, Arizona
In my backyard I have 2 large dogs who HAVE killed chickens before.
They are a bit on the old side, about 10 years old and ever since they were pups they've gotten loose and caused problems. They got loose a few years back while I was at school and I came home to a slaughtered roo, hen & feathers everywhere with two bloody dogs running at me full of joy seeing me finally get home. Even though I didn't raise my first chickens, I still loved them and they were very docile. It was terrible and i've never gotten so mad at an animal! Since then, my dogs are now kept tied up plus fenced in. If it were my choice, I would have gotten rid of the dogs but they belong to my older brother and my whole family loves them. I haven't owned chickens since that accident and I decided to try again (with VERY much consideration, since my dogs rarely get loose- about once every two months if I'm lucky, so please don't critisize, I have a VERY well built coop+run that I asked my parents for on my birthday, I made sure that it was built as predator proof as possible). I honestly couldn't help but want my own flock again!

Now, for my question. Should I risk free ranging my little flock of 8 chicks (they hatched May 22nd)? Their coop and run is in the front, and my dogs are still unaware of their existence. I have a pretty large front yard with a lot of mesquite trees- lots of shade and cover! My whole property is fenced, plus more fence splitting my backyard from my front. If I end up free ranging it will ALWAYS be with my supervision, plus a leash & large stick (even with my chickies cooped up, I am SO paranoid of my dog getting loose and i'm always ready to tackle any large dog I see).
I'm also very aware that my dogs aren't the only danger lurking around and I've done my research on free ranging! I just can't find any helpful information for my situation.

Sorry for such a long post, I'm just trying to make sure you all understand how I feel about this. Any responds are greatly appreciated!
It really sounds as if you will be far more comfortable if you keep your chickens confined. Understand that even under the best of circumstances some losses will be incurred while free ranging.
I was almost convinced to never free range my flock, but just recently I thought about how happy they'd be if I let them out since my yard is full of fresh grass and bugs! I understand and I have seriously considered that some losses may occur eventually. At the moment, I have a little portable pen that I put them in and move it around for a few hours a day but some of them are starting to fly over it which is what brought me to decide whether to completely free range.

I should rephrase my question, would you guys risk free ranging in my situation? I'll feel a lot better about this if any of you would, then I'll know i'm not crazy for considering it!
It's going to get dark in about 20 minutes, I'll let them out and see how it goes. I have my sister helping me supervise. I'm so nervous! D:
It went great! They didn't go too far from their coop, and they ran back everytime they heard/saw something strange lol! I'm going to try again tomorrow, this time about an hour or so before dark.

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