We are beginning construction of a better/larger/more quality coop for our flock and would love to see what you fine folks have built so we may pull ideas from your builds, if we may! Show off your work, please! Tell me why you built it the way you did, if it’s predator proof, what material was used and how much, and how much it cost you if you don’t mind! Thank you all in advance! 😁
Made mine with a bed frame!


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I love the progress you’ve made with your coop! It looks nice and cozy. I bet your flock loves it! I currently have 7 chicks and a bantam hen. I had a silkie roo, but one afternoon he didn’t come home to roost (they free-range our yard which is fenced in). I searched the cow pasture, the neighbors, checked the roads, etc. and could not find him... I discovered what I am pretty sure was him 2 days later smooshed in the road. 😞 He wasn’t there day 1 or 2, but morning of day 3 I saw him. He was a butthole (hence his name, “@$$h0l3”) but he didn’t deserve to go like that. He was our only roo, and none of the chicks appear to be cockerels either. We are planning to get another batch soon… hopefully we will get a roo or 2 next time.
Anyway, I will definitely check out that thread, thanks for telling me about it!!! do you have any size recommendations for the coop of a flock that I hope to grow to 15-20 by the end of the year? I intend to incorporate a broody/sick hen area into it as well. Maybe a timeout area for mean Roos even… I don’t know. So many cool ideas!
We are new, but trying to dive right in, especially with the rising costs of everything due to inflation!! Plus, I can’t stress how relaxing this experience has been. They are such sweet, curious, funny little creatures!! I could talk about them all day! 😅
I can relate to so much of this! Including my LO Cockerel named ShitHead.... I traded "him," because for the longest time ever he was a "she," until that dream died. I'd put so much 🧡 into "her," that instead of soup, I traded SH and a pullet for a pullet. You're welcome ShitHead, you came very, very close to being called Chicken Noodle.... The general rule of thumb for coop space is:
3 chickens need at least:
  • 12 square feet in the coop,
  • 3 linear feet of roost,
  • 1 nest (or 2 to give them a choice),
  • And 3 square feet of permanent, 24/7/365 ventilation, best located over the birds' heads when they're sitting on the roost.
For the life of me I don't know why this section is so buried on BYC now. It used to be on the main page: https://www.backyardchickens.com/articles/categories/chicken-coops.12/

Mine free-range too. I've only lost 1 to a predator over 20years, I have never figured out what it was. I'm willing to take the chance due to my risk factor being so low and they just love it. Above in the actual Coop Section of BYC, Coop interiors in particular that I copied are JT's and Dobie's due to Poop Board installation. Which is my #1 recommendation for a clean, quick and easy to clean coop! You can easily install nest boxes, hospital/jail under the poop trays. ENJOY!!

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