Show me your quail pens!!!

Also if your wanting to do what is natural to them, all Coturnix are really concerned about is eating & sex. They would run into a lions mouth for a bite of food & mount it if it would stand still for them.
We have a 6 meter long rung (around 40cm high) that they love and live in. To access the run we made little doors about once-ish every meter. We have been adding things in it like the silverbeet plant at the end (which they have nearly demolished in a few days). We just used avery mesh and a lot of tent pegs - looks great and worked very well for us as we don't have any real handyman skills

Our homemade run is attached to our bought hutch which has a built on run attached to the hutch as well. We have also built a makeshift cage over it to ensure they don't get/fly away when we are changing their water/food and cleaning.

I would like to try quail sometime and really like the look of your setup. My main concern is snakes. Have you had any problems with reptile visitors?
@cwrite We live in a residential housing area that is not close to bushland here, so thankfully we haven't had any run in with predators/reptiles.

I wouldn't be able to say if it is snake proof, however, they would have to be small snakes to get through the small avery mesh..
@cwrite We live in a residential housing area that is not close to bushland here, so thankfully we haven't had any run in with predators/reptiles.

I wouldn't be able to say if it is snake proof, however, they would have to be small snakes to get through the small avery mesh..

I think that might make the difference. We used to have bush behind us & seemed to have a lot of reptiles crossing our property. I think I might 'borrow' your design & just raise it on a narrow platform to be safe. : )
@cwrite Good idea. Depending on where you live and if it is necessary, you could also look at cutting the mesh a little longer and sinking it a few inches into the ground to prevent any predators digging under it or pulling it up.

Its more of a hutch and not a pen.... its for our coturnix and is also our patio coffee table. I have a post on my website about the build with pictures. Cant seem to figure out how to add a photo I've already uploaded to byc from my phone. But pictures at my url. Should my coturnix have a 'run'?

Edited to add a photo via PC,
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There are 3 different hinged parts - the lid on the 'house', and then 2 separate compartments open for the wired part. I can section them off for easy cleaning, adding food, play things etc without having any escapees :)

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