Show me your quail pens!!!

yes of course i have sheet metal for poop catching ... didn't put in because birds still in grow out pen and pic looked better without
i have a small 160 GPH pump in a icebox with a water heater that circulates the water thru the entire pipeline for drinkers and but thru the heater
160gph is good pressure for the entire line? Nice setup. Do your quail get introduced to cup waterers prior to this.. or they see an initial pool in the cup and learn?
No they did not... they drink from it fine but won't make them fill's been 2 days now... getting worried they won't learn...
@iamkingtim01 Thank you for the quick reply! I would love to see photos. I have branches but never seen them used. I just got quail so I am learning as I go. Right now I have 2 texas a&m quail. I think they have a pretty strong odor especially compared to my chickens. The smell of the chickens and coop don't bother me but the quail do. I just started with quail and didn't know how it would go so I am starting off small.

Here's my coop before I added the branches. I have since changed out the waterier and feeder.

I'm irritated with myself for trying, mine don't fill the cups either. I guess the chickens will get an extra fill up station, or I'll change to nipple feeders designed for quail.
No they did not... they drink from it fine but won't make them fill's been 2 days now... getting worried they won't learn...
Nice set up BTW! I have those exact cups. They learn to use them faster than chickens, guess they are smarter than we give them credit for.

These cups will never be full of water! They are not meant to work that way! There is no float valve in them. The bird triggers the yellow valve and drinks just the amount of water it wants only leaving a drop or two. The next bird will trigger it again and drinks just as much as it wants without extra staying in the cup. The valve only lets water into the cup if a bird is triggering it. Understand? If the cup is full it is malfunctioning! Don't waste time switching them out, I assure you your quail are getting the water they need.

I've used these cups for my quail for two years now and they are fantastic! The only problem I ever had was when a piece of their bedding got stuck in the valve and the water dripped out for hours until I noticed. It was a mess, but I cleaned the valve and cup and it's been working perfectly since. Make sure the cups are just high enough that they have to stretch just a bit to reach into it, that way they aren't stepping in them or throwing stuff into them.

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