We used to press our games into three purposes. Two where meat (12 week old fryers) and pullets not used as broodies where used for eggs which was not all that bad when you could get 160 eggs in that first year per bird. Older birds also found their way into dumplings.
Your computer might be able to provide camera capability if it has a webcam looking at you from monitor. For me it is difficult to advise with knowing birds in question are truelly games. Broodiness and feistyness alone are not enough to give me that impression. Some of my American Dominiques are pretty cranky and with proper upbringing I can transform face-flogging hens into something children can handle with newly hatched chicks with little or no risk of attacks on child. Same will still attack everything else.
Your computer might be able to provide camera capability if it has a webcam looking at you from monitor. For me it is difficult to advise with knowing birds in question are truelly games. Broodiness and feistyness alone are not enough to give me that impression. Some of my American Dominiques are pretty cranky and with proper upbringing I can transform face-flogging hens into something children can handle with newly hatched chicks with little or no risk of attacks on child. Same will still attack everything else.