Show Off Your Hobbies!

here is a bell hung on a bracket, I made the bell from an old oxy cylinder, and the bracket from some old rail parts, I try to use 2nd use (read recycled) material for most of my work.

On top of the chicken addiction I have had all my life I like to build model airplanes and tanks, etc. As odd as it may sound it relaxes me alot and helps me relieve stress.
Been building them for the greater part of 30 years I guess. Also collect model trains, my mom's dad worked for the Missouri Kansas and Texas so its in the blood a little bit.
Also like to collect Dr Pepper memorabilia. Have cases upon cases of old,old bottles. Even have a late 50's Dr Pepper machine in the garage too!
Lastly would be I like to redo old furniture. Have done probably a half dozen pieces spread throughout the house. From a dresser up to a large buffet.
Oh yeah, and I coach football(which equals no life for about 5 months a year here in Texas). Fit all the other stuff in when I can.....

Would like to learn how to make a Blue Jean quilt but dont really know how to attack that.
Oh yeah I collect poultry antiques too.....
Yeah I know I collect too much stuff!!

as easter approaches, I thought this might be a nice one to show, the grape vine crawls up the cross, and the leaves turn towards the cross, and the stone from certain angles looks like a skull, can you say golgatha? Happy resurrection day to all.

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