Show off your house ducks!

You, I like! You funny!
Thanks, his name is Broke D he is from one of our ducks eggs that we had my in-laws set for us he was the last one to be born and when he was born his little mouth was cracked and then when they was older to go outside my hubby found that his sisters was walking all over him and he wasn't up walking and wasn't moving much all we can think of was he was having a getting over heated since we was having very hot Summer so we put him in the house for a while and then we tried to put him back out with just one of his sisters and she just would just walk all over him and stand on him so we just made him our inside house duck and then he gotten to where he wasn't walking at all and I was doing a lot of reading and someone told me to get some brewer yest to give him and we have been and he start back up walking but getting better by the day's and he is still a lot smaller then his sisters and he is now starting to get his adult fathers. He has been nothing but needing special needs.
Well you know it takes special people to do what your doing. So bless you and I hope the brewers yeast gets him up and moving around real good soon. I have read some awesome reviews about how it has helped many birds on here. Keep us updated on Broke D hopefully his name will be changed to Miracle D soon.
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Somebody likes her new bed bin! :D

Haha! Great minds! Louis got a new cage yesterday too!! He slept like a rock! Not one quack all night!!Only to we get his indoor pen built though.
I love the absolute paleness of your babys face. Is there more distinct coloring in real life or is that the true coloring?
Well you know it takes special people to do what your doing. So bless you and I hope the brewers yeast gets him up and moving around real good soon. I have read some awesome reviews about how it has helped many birds on here. Keep us updated on Broke D hopefully his name will be changed to Miracle D soon.
Thank you! Yes he is doing better each down and not anything is slowing him down. We gave him that name when he was born when we seen his little mouth was cracked and we couldn't come up with any names since we now have 9-duck's and we are running out of

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