Show off your house ducks!

Julie showed up with 9 ducklings last Friday @Julie Bird

Details, please.

Long story but not a bad one as to why I've not been on here for nearly a month. Technical difficulties…..


Julie and 9 ducklings. How does that happen? She flies and how did they get there? Did they walk? I don't mean to sound ignorant but I am about ducks. Except I am an expert scientist and judge of their amazing cuteness and webs. Ironic.

Details, please.

Long story but not a bad one as to why I've not been on here for nearly a month. Technical difficulties…..


Julie and 9 ducklings. How does that happen? She flies and how did they get there? Did they walk? I don't mean to sound ignorant but I am about ducks. Except I am an expert scientist and judge of their amazing cuteness and webs. Ironic.
Things got completely crazy. I knew she had a nest somewhere but I didn't know where. I went to collect Winnie, Mini Me & Ultra Zorro, who were relaxing on the grass next to our house, and then Julie came running to me when I shook the duck food can. She must have come swimming from wherever she nested. Julie didn't call her babies to come so they just slept there. Then seaguls started to fly around! Ugh! I somehow was able to get all of the babies and quickly set up a pen for them and Julie. She was not happy. I let them out last Monday, they were about 17 days old and pretty big (Julie was getting very impatient and the smell was/is really bad too). She still has all of them

Then last Thursday my mum heard peeping from above Zorro's nest. I had bought new supplies for a pen so I set it up and Friday morning my mum and I took all of the Zorro babies out of the nest. I was so sad to see one didn't make it, he/she was halfway out of the egg
After some struggling I got Zorro too and put them all in the pen. Zorro was super ****** off! Today I let her out of the pen and she has already come back. I hope she can put up with this for just 2 more weeks!

And well, of course, after constantly running around Julie, Zorro, Kroelie, Billy and Winnie and siblings, Donsje swimmed in the ditch with 7 ducklings. That was Saturday morning. Her eye looked infected, she had it closed and it was red. Her daughter Billy was mean to the ducklings, too... I had already ran out of duck pen-making supplies so I bought mesh (that stuff is crazy expensive!) and made another duck pen and after some really bad struggles I got Donsje and her 5 remaining ducklings into the pen. She is doing surprisingly well, actually. Almost as if she realizes she and her babies are safe. Her eye just looks sore, so I hope it isn't infected and heals on its own.

This is Zorro's smallest duckling, he/she is tiny! And so cute! I want to put the doll house with the ducklings but it would get ruined. I found it at the trash, but still.
Things got completely crazy. I knew she had a nest somewhere but I didn't know where. I went to collect Winnie, Mini Me & Ultra Zorro, who were relaxing on the grass next to our house, and then Julie came running to me when I shook the duck food can. She must have come swimming from wherever she nested. Julie didn't call her babies to come so they just slept there. Then seaguls started to fly around! Ugh! I somehow was able to get all of the babies and quickly set up a pen for them and Julie. She was not happy. I let them out last Monday, they were about 17 days old and pretty big (Julie was getting very impatient and the smell was/is really bad too). She still has all of them

Then last Thursday my mum heard peeping from above Zorro's nest. I had bought new supplies for a pen so I set it up and Friday morning my mum and I took all of the Zorro babies out of the nest. I was so sad to see one didn't make it, he/she was halfway out of the egg
After some struggling I got Zorro too and put them all in the pen. Zorro was super ****** off! Today I let her out of the pen and she has already come back. I hope she can put up with this for just 2 more weeks!

And well, of course, after constantly running around Julie, Zorro, Kroelie, Billy and Winnie and siblings, Donsje swimmed in the ditch with 7 ducklings. That was Saturday morning. Her eye looked infected, she had it closed and it was red. Her daughter Billy was mean to the ducklings, too... I had already ran out of duck pen-making supplies so I bought mesh (that stuff is crazy expensive!) and made another duck pen and after some really bad struggles I got Donsje and her 5 remaining ducklings into the pen. She is doing surprisingly well, actually. Almost as if she realizes she and her babies are safe. Her eye just looks sore, so I hope it isn't infected and heals on its own.

This is Zorro's smallest duckling, he/she is tiny! And so cute! I want to put the doll house with the ducklings but it would get ruined. I found it at the trash, but still.
OK, this is so AWESOME. Zorro's baby burd in a house. I am so in love with this theme. Look at baby on second floor of house. His/her webs on the tiny floor and just sitting quietly in room of small house. A Tiny House duckling. Tiny Houses are THE NEXT BIG THING.

That is a lot of burd activity you've had. I am so glad that Julie's brood all are still with her. And despite her objections I am glad you kept everyone safe. I love how you are so devoted to your precious ducks. And the goings ons are never ending. It is better than the krap on TV.

I'm sorry about the loss of one of Zorro's. I hate hearing when that happens. And you had to keep her and hers in safe. And then Donsje. I hope her eye heals up nicely. Again, I am glad she is safe. Please do keep us posted on her eye's status. I want her to fully recover.

It is really interesting but with all of you guys and your ducks I really become attached to them. I am always glad to read of solutions you come up with to keep them safe. Thank you.

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