Show off your house ducks!

I have no experience with this, unfortunately. I honestly wouldn't be concerned if one of my ducks ate a little sap. I did a little research and it appears that most sap is not dangerous at all, but a few kinds can be poisonous. Do you know what kind of tree it was? If you can figure out what kind of tree it is you can do a little Google search about it's sap and see if it is safe for consumption. There was just one kind of tree that all the sites seem to warn about (manchineel) but it is mostly found in like Central America. It has milky white sap.
Saltwater or fresh?

I think my biggest concern would be predators (dogs, people, raptors especially) and second would be communicable waterfowl diseases.

Do you have a playpen for her with a bottom and a net on top? And shade? If so, then I would certainly take her. It's not for that long, seems to me. Of course bring her fresh water and food....
I think Holderread wrote about that in Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks. I don't recall him saying it was necessarily a bad thing... Do you have a copy of that?

"Ducks can be raised successfully in marine areas. Most ocean bays and inlets are teeming with an abundant supply of plant and animal life that ducks relish. Because domestic ducks have a lower tolerance for salt than do wild sea ducks, sweet drinking water should be supplied at all times. "
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