Show off your house ducks!

Does anyone have only one duck and a job? What do you do with your duck when your away from the house?

I only have the one duck and I work full time. We've gone through a few different routines during the day. Some days she stays outside in her Ducky pen with a swimming tub, sometimes she stays I three bathtub with a piece of fleece on the floor that can be washed, and other times she stays in her play pen in the laundry room (fleece bottom layer, pine chips top layer). They all have their benefits, but nothing really keeps her happy while we're away. She's got some mental issues and can't be around other ducks or I'd get her a friend.

How did you make the diaper? I need to make one for my baby girl

She looks prettt full grown to me! You should be able to order an adult Diaper from any of the diaper makers without her outgrowing it. Usually once they get their full adult tail in they are big enough for an adult diaper without worry of outgrowing it (but if you get a custom one from me, you'll want to take new custom measurements in 6mo to a year because the diaper will have stretched and grown with her, so using old measurements for a new diaper will result in a too tight diaper).

You can see my store here

Feel free to message me here or on Etsy if you have any general diaper questions too, I'm always happy to help =)
This is my Mallard Lloyd. Although he may actually be a she. I dunno yet. He's the best pet & I love him to pieces. I got him about 2 months ago, when he was just a duckling & he's my only duck. He keeps me laughing & he is so full of curiosity. He's pretty much in the house most the time, but I do take him outside everyday to wander around & swim in his pool. I sure hope I'm doing everything right for him, cuz he's become a part of our family.


Is it a boy or girl? I also have one mallard that lives in the house not sure if it's a girl or boy spots is 2 months on the 4th and still no quack but no green head

Beaker going to the store for some yummy treats. He also has a stroller. My mom works at a supermarket and everyone loves seeing beaker!

Here is my house duck, Dexter! He just recently became a house duck, he is six months old. He loved stayed outside on my porch until I heard coyotes yelling about 150 ft away from my house, so I decided he was not staying outside any longer lol he is definitely my baby! He would stand at the door and wait for any chance he could that the door would open then he would run inside. I am new to the house duck thing, I have him a diaper harness ordered but anymore tips would be very helpful! What do you guys recommend feeding them? He has been eating cracked corn but doesn't seem to like it much. His favorite snacks are meal worms, grapes, tadpoles (only in spring), and strawberries.

Here is my house duck, Dexter! He just recently became a house duck, he is six months old. He loved stayed outside on my porch until I heard coyotes yelling about 150 ft away from my house, so I decided he was not staying outside any longer lol he is definitely my baby! He would stand at the door and wait for any chance he could that the door would open then he would run inside. I am new to the house duck thing, I have him a diaper harness ordered but anymore tips would be very helpful! What do you guys recommend feeding them? He has been eating cracked corn but doesn't seem to like it much. His favorite snacks are meal worms, grapes, tadpoles (only in spring), and strawberries.

What breed is he? I use flock raiser and you will have to buy grit. It takes time for the harness. My girl is 2 months and I just started putting it on her last weekend, she still hates it
What breed is he? I use flock raiser and you will have to buy grit. It takes time for the harness. My girl is 2 months and I just started putting it on her last weekend, she still hates it
He is a Khaki Campbell drake. I'm hoping it doesn't take him too long to adjust to the harness.. we will see though. He loves being in the house, just makes such a mess

Here is my house duck, Dexter! He just recently became a house duck, he is six months old. He loved stayed outside on my porch until I heard coyotes yelling about 150 ft away from my house, so I decided he was not staying outside any longer lol he is definitely my baby! He would stand at the door and wait for any chance he could that the door would open then he would run inside. I am new to the house duck thing, I have him a diaper harness ordered but anymore tips would be very helpful! What do you guys recommend feeding them? He has been eating cracked corn but doesn't seem to like it much. His favorite snacks are meal worms, grapes, tadpoles (only in spring), and strawberries.
@luskylove Welcome to BYC

Dexter is a beautiful KC When my drake comes inside he has his own bed it's a large towel folded double then I put a pea pad over that. when he walks around the hose [thank goodness for old wood floors] I just keep the paper towels and disinfectant handy. If he was in full time he would wear a diaper and harness like when he was a youngin.

Cracked corn is not a wholesome diet he needs feed to go along with the snack of cracked corn. So an All Flock would be best for his health and make sure you take him outside for some sunshine that is very important also. Stay with him always because coyotes are very sly and sneaky as some of out members have found out the hard way this year. Corn, meal worms and fruit are treats.
Can you turn a garden duck into a house duck? Mine are a bit of both but after a fox attack killed my baby king want them out
Sure you can, you'll still want to take them outside daily for sunshine and fresh air just stay with them. There is alot of great info on this thread about diapers and harnesses too.
Very sorry for your loss

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