Show off your house ducks!

Can you turn a garden duck into a house duck? Mine are a bit of both but after a fox attack killed my baby king want them out

So sorry, that's just awful. My two girls are indoor/outdoor ducks and they're very happy. They go out into a secure pen with pool and such by 9am every morning and they are brought back into the house half hr before the sun sets. They go into a massive shower stall and bathroom dedicated just to them. It's attached to my daughters' bedroom and both kids and ducks have a blast until lights out.
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Beaker going to the store for some yummy treats. He also has a stroller. My mom works at a supermarket and everyone loves seeing beaker!

So funny! I saw a pet seat for the car in Walmart and I'm very tempted to get it for my house girl. How did he do during his first car ride? Did it take time for him to get the hang of it? Does he stay put during the ride? Sorry for so many questions but this has been on my mind lately!
He was about 3 months old when I took him for he first car ride and he loved it. Sometimes he likes to sit on my lap and put his head out the window like a dog haha I bought this cat bed when he was 4 months. The first couple of car rides he would stay in it for about half the time and then he would try to get out. Now he stays put after many car rides :)
I wanted to post something about my new house friend but I can't upload photos from my phone so I'll be back. Sorry
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Let's see if this time works.
I just want to say that this year I had a magnific new friend, she is a french call duck (petit mignon). She is adorable, cute sometimes misbehaves but I don't mind, she is super lovely, she is Eibar.

Wish you like my little baby
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