Show Off Your Pigeons And Doves!!!

Lovely! But I can't believe you didn't show off the Archangels too.:D
OK, if you insist! :lol: Here's the archangels. Arael and Sophiel.


And this is the two new youngsters I got. No names yet though.

All four sitting pretty!

I'm waiting for some better weather to get some good pictures. The sun needs to be on them!
@Serin She appears to be in a romantic mood in that last one - cuddling with her favorite human on the fluffy pink bed. It's got to be the same one and she has kept it so clean! :)

She has two now as I had gotten the homing pigeon a bed too. Niw I alternate them and I throw them in the wash once a week as they get dusty but she never dirties her bed.

She likes to cuddle like that any time she's on a soft surface.

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