Show off your roosters


What does his wing feathers look like cause my frizzle Poland's look a mess
Here's my Ameraucana Roo with his girls. We hadn't planned on an Ameraucana, but the hatchery messed up and sent us a straight run off BO and Sussex chicks, rather then mixed sex we requested. And just our luck, there wasn't a rooster in the bunch. But, a neighbor had an extra rooster so now we have Little Duke. He became a father this week, and I'm interested in how the BO/Amer crosses will look when they feather out.

Here's my Ameraucana Roo with his girls. We hadn't planned on an Ameraucana, but the hatchery messed up and sent us a straight run off BO and Sussex chicks, rather then mixed sex we requested. And just our luck, there wasn't a rooster in the bunch. But, a neighbor had an extra rooster so now we have Little Duke. He became a father this week, and I'm interested in how the BO/Amer crosses will look when they feather out.

Oh, wow! Beautiful!
You guys are probably getting tired of seeing Hephaestus, but he's maturing so much and he's such a sweetie I want to share!

not at all.. i want him... what breed is he???
Thanks! He's a Silver Spangled Hamburg.

He's a little over 8 months old and such a good guy. He's got 13 pullets to take care of (same age), and he really takes his job seriously.

Edited to add: He also LOVES to pose for the camera. He's such a ham. Lol!
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