Show off your roosters

RIP This was Forrest, Forrest Gump my Buff Laced Sebright. I babied him from a sickly, bald chick. Took him awhile to figure out life, thus his name moniker. Husband found him dead one morning and he was only 1 year.

This is Valentino our new Roo we got Valentine's Day from a neighbor. Not a good image, but he is the most gorgeous and sweet natured EE/Americana rooster! I hope he starts doing his job soon, I'd like some chicks.
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RIP This was Forrest, Forrest Gump my Buff Laced Sebright. I babied him from a sickly, bald chick. Took him awhile to figure out life, thus his name moniker. Husband found him dead one morning and he was only 1 year.

This is Valentino our new Roo we got Valentine's Day from a neighbor. Not a good image, but he is the most gorgeous and sweet natured EE/Americana rooster! I hope he starts doing his job soon, I'd like some chicks.
Sorry for your loss, but I tell you with a name like Valentino he'll be charming the ladies I'm sure.
He's beautiful
Very pretty, he looks almost pure D'Uccle. Are you thinking of continuing this color?
Yes, actually I am. I have his half sister (seen in the lower corner of the picture). She is a great broody (due to hatch a clutch of eggs in a few days) and I hope to hatch some chicks off of them in a few months, especially since I recently lost their mother (a white game hen). Yes, he definitely inherited the d'uccle characteristics and personality for sure

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