Show off your roosters

these are field mice that make nests around my coop. I saw a few of them running in the coop in the evening. their size is between mouse and rat (9-10 cm long). very difficult to kill.

Yep, looks similar to the one's we have, ours gray to brown color, tiny fast little buggers. I know they are around, but none in the coop so far

I'm a night person, so last winter I thought I saw a huge rat in an outdoor bird feeder (different area from the coop), got my rifle and was going to dispatch it. It didn't run and just kept eating, I got really close, kept eating WHAT THE HECK!?!
A flying squirrel
Apparently they are nocturnal and not shy. It came back a couple more nights until I decided the feeder must be put away at sundown.

Flying Squirrel (found it on the internet).

Here is a pic of our EE roo.

I'll try to get a pic of Samcro this afternoon. He's a handsome Houdan. Super flighty but he's pretty and he isn't andggresive so he gets to stay. own I've convinced myself to get him some more ladies lol.
Yep, looks similar to the one's we have, ours gray to brown color, tiny fast little buggers. I know they are around, but none in the coop so far

I'm a night person, so last winter I thought I saw a huge rat in an outdoor bird feeder (different area from the coop), got my rifle and was going to dispatch it. It didn't run and just kept eating, I got really close, kept eating WHAT THE HECK!?!
A flying squirrel
Apparently they are nocturnal and not shy. It came back a couple more nights until I decided the feeder must be put away at sundown.

Flying Squirrel (found it on the internet).

we don't have squirrels here. I don't keep feed in the run any more but mice are making nests. I found about 7-8 nest in the roof of my last years coop (in insulation). I moved my chickens to a new coop and removed the insulation from the roof. then they started to make tunnels in the run. I almost broke my leg when I stepped on one. I have to dig run from time to time.

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